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Title: Parsimonious Analogical Reasoning for Smart Decision Support in Network-enabled Environments: Managing Situational Awareness
Authors: Louvieris, Panos 
Gregoriades, Andreas 
Mashanovich, Natasha 
White, Gareth 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Information Engineering
Keywords: Cognitive Domain Issues;C2 Modelling and Simulation;Network Centric Metrics
Issue Date: 2006
Source: 11th ICCRTS Coalition Command and Control in the Networked Era
Conference: Coalition Command and Control in the Networked Era 
Abstract: How information is managed and exploited to support commanders’ intuitive decision making during the execution of a plan is a key consideration in the development of a true networked enabled capability (NEC). While the benefits of NEC are laudable i.e. better networks, better information sharing and situational awareness, better decisions, better actions and better effects, commanders and their staff are nevertheless faced with an overwhelming amount of data; in practice, this can often lead to inconsistent perspectives and tempo stagnation impeding decision and operational effectiveness. Therefore reducing the information volume requirement and servicing commanders’ critical information requirements (CCIRs) through parsimonious information fusion is fundamental to maintaining situational awareness (SA) in the battlespace and achieving decision effectiveness. This paper outlines and demonstrates an analogical reasoning approach for smart decision support in NEC which employs soft Case Based Reasoning (CBR) techniques incorporating Critical Success Factors (CSFs). The effectiveness of this approach is illustrated using a war-gaming case study implemented on a Computer Generated Forces (CGF) test-bed.
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : University of Surrey 
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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