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Title: Simultaneous measurement of axial strain, bending and torsion with a single fiber bragg grating in CYTOP fiber
Authors: Leal-Junior, Arnaldo G. 
Theodosiou, Antreas 
Diaz, Camilo R. 
Marques, Carlos 
Pontes, Maria José 
Kalli, Kyriacos 
Frizera, Anselmo 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Materials Engineering
Keywords: 3-D displacement;CYTOP;Fiber Bragg gratings;Polymer optical fiber
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2019
Source: Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 971-980
Volume: 37
Issue: 3
Start page: 971
End page: 980
Journal: Journal of Lightwave Technology 
Abstract: This paper presents the development of a 3-D displacement sensor based on one fiber Bragg grating (FBG). In order to obtain higher sensitivity and dynamic range, the FBG is inscribed in low-loss, multimode, cyclic transparent amorphous fluoropolymers (CYTOP) using the direct-write, plane-by-plane femtosecond laser inscription method. The proposed sensor is based on the influence of each displacement condition, namely axial strain, torsion and bending on the FBG reflection spectrum. Such influence is analyzed with respect to the FBG wavelength shift, reflectivity and full width half maximum (FWHM). The operation principle and theoretical background of the proposed approach is numerically analyzed by means of finite element analysis for the strain along the grating length and coupled-mode theory with a modified transfer matrix formulation for the FBG spectrum. The sensor is experimentally characterized and validated in which the results show good agreement between the applied axial strain, bending and torsion with relative errors below 5.5%. Thus, the proposed sensor is an interesting alternative for measuring displacements in 3-D applications such as movement analysis and the instrumentation of novel soft robots.
ISSN: 07338724
DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2018.2884538
Rights: © IEEE
Type: Article
Affiliation : Federal University of Espirito Santo 
Cyprus University of Technology 
University of Aveiro 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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