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Title: A phenomenological investigation of the interplay among professional worth appraisal, self-esteem and self-perception in nurses: the revelation of an internal and external criteria system
Authors: Karanikola, Maria 
Doulougeri, Karolina 
Zafiropoulou-Koutrouba, Anna 
Giannakopoulou, Margarita 
Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Health Sciences
Keywords: Burnout;External criteria;Internal criteria;Personal effectiveness;Professional value;Qualitative study;Self-concept;Self-value
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2018
Source: Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, vol. 9, no. OCT
Volume: 9
Issue: OCT
Journal: Frontiers in Psychology 
Abstract: Nurses' professional self-concept is strongly associated with professional worth appraisal, which encompasses their feelings and perceptions regarding their task efficacy and value of input to clinical outcomes. Professional self-concept and professional worth appraisal are incorporated in one's overall professional role perception. Data show that the way nurses think and feel about themselves personally and professionally, is associated with their well-being, the quality of provided patient care, their job satisfaction and retention. Although researchers indicate that professional self-concept is a different entity from personal self-concept, however, a clear differentiation and possible interaction between these constructs has not been yet adequately described in nursing literature. Personal self-concept mirrors the way people interpret them-selves, incorporating their self-awareness and personal effectiveness. Following purposeful sampling and informed consent, a phenomenological approach based on Munhall's methodology was employed to explore the living experience of professional role perception in 16 critical and emergency nurses, with special focus on their perceptions and feelings about personal and professional-role worth appraisal. Data and theoretical saturation criteria were implemented, along with all nine Munhall's criteria for the rigor and trustworthiness of phenomenological studies. The participants' narratives suggested a possible interaction between professional attitude and personality traits, illuminating as the core theme an interplay among self-perception, personal and professional worth appraisal process. Additionally, the present study emphasized the way self-evaluation criteria system may be associated with the personal and professional self-concept in nurses. In particular, it was highlighted that the way nurses think and feel about themselves is associated with the way they experience their professional role and vice versa, and that professional role-based self-concept and professional worth perception can be linked with their well-being. Furthermore, positive feelings about the self and personal competencies seemed to enhance the perception of effectiveness in clinical settings and adequacy of professional skills, resulting in empowered professional identity and vice versa. Overall, the present findings are discussed in relation to nurses' experience of work-related stressors and relevant interventions. Further exploration of the effectiveness of interventions for facilitating adaptive personal and professional self-appraisal are suggested.
ISSN: 16641078
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01805
Rights: © Karanikola, Doulougeri, Koutrouba, Giannakopoulou and Papathanassoglou.
Type: Article
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Eindhoven University of Technology 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
University of Alberta 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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