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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 565
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Sep-2019An Overview of Assistive Robotics and Technologies for Elderly CareChristoforou, Eftychios G. ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Pattichis, C. S. 
Oct-2024Planning methods for secure islandingNakiganda, Agnes M. ; Aristidou, Petros 
Dec-2024Basics of power system dynamics and stabilityRenner, Herwig ; Aristidou, Petros ; Zhang, Ziqian 
2025Textual phenomena addressing youth: Orthographic, typographic, and ideological aspects of the Greek-Cypriot dialectPapadima, Aspasia 
27-Jun-2023Multilingual PragmaticsAntoniou, Kyriakos 
2023The Acquisition and Processing of Pragmatics in Multilinguals and Third Language LearnersAntoniou, Kyriakos ; Michaelides, Orestis 
Dec-2024Συμπάθεια (και τσάι) για τις σκληρές ηρωίδες της μυθοπλασίαςKyprianidou, Efi 
2024Learning to Read in the Heritage Language Supports Literacy Skills in the Majority Language Evidence from Greek-English Speaking ChildrenPapastefanou, Theodora 
2-Jul-2024The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Marketing Research for Air Transport and TourismLeonidou, Erasmia 
2016Life-cycle-cost-analysis for the seismic retrofitting and sustainability of existing building-stocksKyriakides, Nicholas ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Charalambous, George 
Dec-2024The role of autonomous ESP learning in acquiring transversal professional development skills in Higher EducationAthanasiou, Androulla ; Kakoulli-Constantinou, Elis ; Burston, Jack 
1-Jan-2025Circular Value Chain Management—Barriers and OpportunitiesBajare, Diana ; Zsembinszki, Gabriel ; Rizaov, Denis ; Tambovceva, Tatjana ; Cudečka-Purina, Natālija ; Atstāja, Dzintra ; Kaewunruen, Sakdirat ; Kripa, Dorina ; Nano, Xhesila ; Marangos, Orestes ; Nisiforou, Olympia A. ; Yiatros, Stylianos ; Tornaghi, Marco Lamperti ; Tleuken, Aidana ; Bragança, Luís ; Salles, Adriana ; Askar, Rand ; Turkyilmaz, Ali ; Laudal, Thomas ; Giarma, Christina ; Azhgaliyeva, Dina ; Karaca, Ferhat ; Cavdar, Ayfer Donmez 
Feb-2025Network-based governance in small island destinationsSaveriades, Alexis ; Farmaki, Anna 
8-Aug-2024How Startups Develop CSR to Build Brand Reputation: A Qualitative Pilot StudyPapa, Elena ; Daskou, Sofia 
25-Aug-2022Cycle Tourist CharacteristicsAndreev, Hristo ; Zopiatis, Anastasios 
2-Jul-2024The Metaverse in an Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and AmbiguityMelanthiou, Yioula ; Vasic, Sergey 
2-Jul-2024The Growing Complexity of COBRAs: A Systematic ReviewMelanthiou, Yioula ; Uzunboylu, Naziyet ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Papasolomou, Ioanna 
2024Encyclopedia of TourismSaveriades, Alexis 
27-Sep-2024The Appeal of Robotics to Children with Autism and Its Potential as a Therapeutic and Educational ToolAvgousti, Sotiris ; Vourkos, Eleftherios ; Panayides, Andreas S. ; Christoforou, Eftychios G. ; Masouras, Panicos 
20-Feb-2024Selecting Methodologies and Methods- Research Currents Interview: Theopisti Stylianou-LambertStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 565