Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
113-Jan-2024Silicon Carbide n-IGBTs: Structure Optimization for Ruggedness EnhancementAlmpanis, Ioannis ; Antoniou, Marina ; Evans, Paul ; Empringham, Lee ; Gammon, Peter ; Undrea, Florin ; Mawby, Philip ; Lophitis, Neophytos IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 
22024Silicon Carbide n-IGBTs: Structure Optimization for Ruggedness EnhancementAlmpanis, Ioannis ; Antoniou, Marina ; Evans, Paul ; Empringham, Lee ; Gammon, Peter ; Undrea, Florin ; Mawby, Philip ; Lophitis, Neophytos IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 
31-May-202310kV+ Rated SiC n-IGBTs: Novel Collector-Side Design Approach Breaking the Trade-Off between dV/dt and Device EfficiencyAlmpanis, Ioannis ; Evans, Paul ; Antoniou, Marina ; Gammon, Peter ; Empringham, Lee ; Undrea, Florin ; Mawby, Philip ; Lophitis, Neophytos Key Engineering Materials