Results 21-40 of 42 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
211-Dec-2020Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Reinforced Concrete StructuresMourlas, Christos ; Khabele, Neo ; Bark, Hussein A. ; Karamitros, Dimitris ; Taddei, Francesca ; Markou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 
221-Feb-2019Computationally Efficient and Robust Nonlinear 3D Cyclic Modeling of RC Structures Through a Hybrid Finite Element Model (HYMOD)Markou, George ; Mourlas, Christos ; Papadrakakis, Manolis International Journal of Computational Methods 
23Feb-2019Seismic assessment of small modular reactors: NuScale case study for the 8.8 Mw earthquake in ChileMarkou, George ; Genco, Filippo Nuclear Engineering and Design 
241-Jan-2019Accurate and computationally efficient nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete structures considering damage factorsMourlas, Christos ; Markou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Engineering Structures 
2520183D Finite Element Modeling of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams without Shear ReinforcementMarkou, George ; AlHamaydeh, Mohammad International Journal of Computational Methods 
262018Simplified HYMOD non-linear simulations of a full-scale multistory retrofitted RC structure that undergoes multiple cyclic excitations – An infill RC wall retrofitting studyMarkou, George ; Mourlas, Christos ; Bark, H. ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Engineering Structures 
2715-Jun-2017A computationally efficient model for the cyclic behavior of reinforced concrete structural membersMourlas, Christos ; Papadrakakis, Manolis ; Markou, George Engineering Structures 
282017Cyclic nonlinear analysis of large-scale finite element meshes through the use of hybrid modeling (HYMOD)Markou, George ; Mourlas, Christos ; Papadrakakis, Manolis International Journal of Mechanics 
2920173D nonlinear constitutive modeling for dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete structural membersMourlas, Christos ; Markou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Procedia Engineering 
306-Jul-2015A simplified and efficient hybrid finite element model (HYMOD) for non-linear 3D simulation of RC structuresMarkou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Engineering Computations 
312015Modelling the flexural behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete beams with FEMNicolaides, Demetris ; Markou, George Engineering Structures 
322015Full-Scale Modeling of the Soil-Structure Interaction Problem Through the use of Hybrid Models (HYMOD)Markou, George ; Sabouni, Reem ; Suleiman, Farah ; El-Chouli, Rana International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 
332015Computational performance of an embedded reinforcement mesh generation method for large-scale RC simulationsMarkou, George International Journal of Computational Methods 
34Oct-2013Computationally efficient 3D finite element modeling of RC structuresMarkou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Computers and Concrete 
352013Embedded reinforcement mesh generation method for large-scale RC simulations: Case studyMarkou, George AHU Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 
362013Accurate and Computationally Efficient 3D Finite Element Modeling of RC StructuresMarkou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Computers and Concrete 
37Mar-2012An efficient generation method of embedded reinforcement in hexahedral elements for reinforced concrete simulationsMarkou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Advances in Engineering Software 
382012Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structures with 3d detailed finite element modelsMarkou, George AHU. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 
392007An efficient mesh updating technique for fluid-structure interaction problemsMouroutis, Z.S. ; Markou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis ; Charmpis, Dimos C. International Journal of Computational Methods 
402007The ortho-semi-torsional (OST) spring analogy method for 3D mesh moving boundary problemsMarkou, George ; Mouroutis, Z.S. ; Charmpis, D.C. ; Papadrakakis, Manolis Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering