Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
116-Dec-2024Investigating travel servicescapes : drivers, motivators, and outcomes of airport travellers' evaluationsYerimou, Pantelitsa 
24-Jul-2024Airportscape And Its Effects On Emotions And Satisfaction: The Moderating Roles Of Sense Of Place And Environmental ResponsivenessYerimou, Pantelitsa ; Themistocleous, Christos 
31-Jul-2024(Re)Defining Airport Experience: A New Framework PropositionYerimou, Pantelitsa ; Themistocleous, Christos 
45-Jul-2023Airport Environment and its influence on Traveller Emotions, Perceived Quality and RevisitYerimou, Pantelitsa ; Themistocleous, Christos 
523-Jun-2022Does sense of place matter? Investigating the role of airport atmospherics on destination revisitYerimou, Pantelitsa ; Themistocleous, Christos ; Panigyrakis, George G. 
620-Apr-2022Is Airport Experience a Critical Antecedent for Destination Revisit? The Role of Environment in the Covid-19 EraYerimou, Pantelitsa ; Panigyrakis, George G. ; Themistocleous, Christos 
7Apr-2020The role of office atmospherics on enhancing internal marketing effectiveness in fulfilling job satisfaction: an application to the shipping industryPanigyrakis, George G. ; Yerimou, Pantelitsa ; Kyriacou, Evdoxia