Results 21-40 of 64 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212014Exploring Soccer Fans’ Schemata Regarding Global VS Local Human BrandsZarkada, Anna K. ; Tzoumaka, Eugenia 
222014The Future of Customer Service in a changing environmentZarkada, Anna K. ; Panigyrakis, George G. 
232014Crafting the Craft's ReputationZarkada, Anna K. 
242014“Liking” those Who Rule the World: Politicians' Branding on Social MediaZarkada, Anna K. ; Sotiropoulou, E 
252014Is Personal Branding pushing the epistemological boundaries of marketing?Zarkada, Anna K. 
262014Achievement-Based Celebrities As Objects & Instruments Of ConsumptionZarkada, Anna K. ; Tzoumaka, Eugenia ; Siomkos, George ; Panigyrakis, George G. 
272013Towards a model of Consumer Engagement with Celebrity BrandsZarkada, Anna K. ; Tzoumaka, Eugenia 
282013Adapting to Survive : Facebook’s Introduction into the IMC EcosystemZarkada, Anna K. 
292011The personal branding phenomenon: Pushing epistemological boundaries or desperately marketing marketing?Zarkada, Anna K. 
302011Personal branding in Contemporary Marketing Trends ConferenceZarkada, Anna K. 
312009Pricing construction services : a research agendaZarkada, Anna K. 
322009Modelling of pricing in the construction servicesZarkada, Anna K. 
332009Moral dimensions of B2B and B2G MarketingZarkada, Anna K. 
342009Brand equity revisited: An institutional theory approach to airline customer supportZarkada, Anna K. 
352005Structure of corporate reputation in purchasing and investing decision contextsZarkada, Anna K. ; Puncheva, P.Y. 
362004The effect of corporate reputation dimensions on the decision to become a stakeholder in a firmZarkada, Anna K. ; Puncheva, P.Y. 
372003The role of corporate reputation in the stakeholder decision - making process for establishing long-term relationship with a companyZarkada, Anna K. ; Puncheva, P.Y. 
382002Womanhood as 'Otherness' : the moral philosophy of discriminationZarkada, Anna K. 
392002Developing a Culture of Innovation through Effective Information ManagementZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
402001An institutional theory approach to predicting consumer support for foreign owned supermarketsZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell