Issue Date Title Author(s) 1 13-May-2024 Linking biases and paradoxes in the family entrepreneurship context: an integrative framework for future research Kastanakis, Minas N. ; Kampouri, Katerina ; Linder, Christian ; Christofi, Michael ; De Massis, Alfredo
2 1-Feb-2024 Business model innovation and international performance of emerging market international businesses Christofi, Michael ; Zahoor, Nadia ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Adomako, Samuel
3 1-Feb-2024 The role of chief digital officer: Critical insights into an emerging field and road map for future research Christofi, Michael
4 31-Jan-2024 Decoding the success of equity crowdfunding: investment decisions of professional and non-professional investors Battisti, Enrico ; Troise, Ciro ; Salvi, Antonio ; Christofi, Michael
5 1-Jan-2024 True knowledge vs empowering knowledge: conceptualizing a theory of mindfulness and knowledge transfer (TMKT) Issac, Abraham Cyril ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Christofi, Michael
6 1-Jan-2024 How small firms build resilience to ward off crises: a paradox perspective Chaudhary, Sanjay ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Meenakshi, N. ; Christofi, Michael
7 Jan-2024 Advancing Research Methodologies in Management: Revisiting Debates, Setting New Grounds for Pluralism Christofi, Michael ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Hughes, Mathew ; Plakoyiannaki, Emmanuella
8 6-Aug-2023 International corporate social responsibility and post-entry performance of developing market INVs: The moderating role of corporate governance mechanisms Zahoor, Nadia ; Lew, Yong Kyu ; Arslan, Ahmad ; Christofi, Michael ; Tarba, Shlomo Y.
9 18-Jul-2023 Guest editorial: Financial innovation (FinTech) and sustainability: new tools for sustainable achievements Battisti, Enrico ; Nirino, Niccolò ; Christofi, Michael
10 1-May-2023 Strategic agility, openness and performance: a mixed method comparative analysis of firms operating in developed and emerging markets Vrontis, Demetris ; Belas, Jaroslav ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Santoro, Gabriele ; Christofi, Michael
11 14-Feb-2023 Editorial: Interdisciplinary research in services marketing Christofi, Michael ; Kvasova, Olga ; Hadjielias, Elias
12 Feb-2023 How Can SMEs Use Crowdfunding Platforms to Internationalize? The Role of Equity and Reward Crowdfunding Troise, Ciro ; Battisti, Enrico ; Christofi, Michael ; van Vulpen, Nina Jorien ; Tarba, Shlomo
13 25-Jan-2023 Guest editorial: Dynamic capabilities and international business research: managerial and financial perspectives Battisti, Enrico ; Christofi, Michael
14 1-Jan-2023 Born global: antecedents and consequences of innovation capabilities Malodia, Suresh ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Alshibani, Safiya Mukhtar ; Christofi, Michael
15 1-Jan-2023 International servitization of SMEs in emerging markets: antecedents and boundary conditions Zahoor, Nadia ; Christofi, Michael ; Nwoba, Arinze Christian
16 1-Jan-2023 Smart City’s Internationalization and International Management Strategies in the Digital Era: A Systematic Literature Review Marchesani, Filippo ; Iaia, Lea ; Masciarelli, Francesca ; Christofi, Michael
17 1-Jan-2023 Digital Transformation of SMEs: The Role of Entrepreneurial Persistence and Market Sensing Dynamic Capability Christofi, Michael ; Khan, Huda ; Zahoor, Nadia ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Tarba, Shlomo
18 1-Jan-2023 Owner-manager emotions and strategic responses of small family businesses to the COVID-19 pandemic Christofi, Michael ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Mahto, Raj V. ; Tarba, Shlomo ; Dhir, Amandeep
19 1-Jan-2023 Tackling pandemic-related health grand challenges: The role of organizational ambidexterity, social equality, and innovation performance Christofi, Michael ; Stylianou, Ioanna ; Hadjielias, Elias ; De Massis, Alfredo ; Kastanakis, Minas N.
20 30-Nov-2022 Guest editorial: psychological perspectives on consumer obesity Christofi, Michael ; Manika, Danae ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Kvasova, Olga ; Petrovici, Dan ; Lowe, Ben