Athanasiou, Androulla
Αθανασίου, Ανδρούλλα

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
Teaming with Teams! Making it Work for Your Language ClassroomPancyprian Conference of Cyprus Pedagogical AssociationInvited speaker12-02-2021Online
Designing online courses and - assessmentsPancyprian Conference of Cyprus Pedagogical AssociationInvited speaker22-11-2021Online
CALL in a Climate of Change, Aligning Vocabulary and Grammar Difficulty Levels with CEFR Proficiency Ratings24th EUROCALL ConferenceInvited speaker23-08-2017Southampton, UK
What students ‘Can Do’ in an ESAP course51st IATEFL conference 2017Invited speaker04-04-2017Glasgow, Scotland
Using instructional technology to integrate CEFR “Can Do” performance objectives into an advanced-level language courseCALL Communities and CultureInvited speaker24-08-2016Limassol, Cyprus
Exploiting CEFR “Can-Do” Criteria in Advanced-level English TeachingLanguage Acquisition Methodology Innovation: why and how?Invited speaker22-09-2016Nicosia, Cyprus
Virtual presentation Understanding the perspective of identity in an intercultural contextAnnual International Conference of Education, Research and InnovationInvited speaker16-11-2015Seville, Spain, Online
Blending ESAP and CLIL in a rehabilitation sciences programmeMeeting the Challenge, International TESOL ConferenceInvited speaker30-09-2014Melbourne, Australia
Technology in Language Teaching: Perceptions and Experiences of University InstructorsTESOL Italy’s 35th ConventionInvited speaker19-11-2010Rome, Italy
Using YouTube in ELT31st Annual TESOL Greece International ConventionInvited speaker13-03-2010Athens, Greece
Staying Connected to Our RootsChild and Youth Research in the 21st Century: a Critical AppraisalInvited speaker28-05-2008Nicosia, Cyprus
Learning with insight: reflective practice in pre-service teacher training41st International Annual IATEFL ConferenceInvited speaker18-04-2007Aberdeen, UK
Developing Learner Independence through Collaborative Learning in a Higher Education context18th SPACE Annual Conference and EURASHE-SEPHE SeminarInvited speaker21-03-2007Nicosia, Cyprus
Promoting learner autonomy through learner training: a consideration of certain practical issuesPre-Convention IATEFL LA (Learner Autonomy) SIGInvited speaker29-09-2006Thessaloniki, Greece
A learner training intervention in a British higher education context40th International Annual IATEFL ConferenceInvited speaker10-04-2006Harrogate, UK