Αποτελέσματα για 1-7 από 7.

Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
Modelling and Dynamic Performance of Inverter Based Generation in Power System Transmission and Distribution StudiesInvited tutorial by CIGRE NSC C4 on Power System Technical PerformanceInvited Speaker15-02-2021
Real-time dynamic security assessment and some big data implicationsDynPower 2020Invited Speaker01-09-2020Online
Data-driven decentralised control design in Active Distribution NetworksUniversity of Cyprus ECE seminarsInvited Speaker01-02-2020Cyprus
Βέλτιστη σχεδίαση και λειτουργία Μικροδικτύων με στατικά και δυναμικά κριτήρια ασφαλείας6η της Ημερίδα Hellenic International Power GroupInvited speaker01-12-2022NTUA Greece
Data-driven decentralised control design in Active Distribution NetworksFuture Electric Power Systems and the Energy TransitionInvited Speaker01-02-2019Switzerland
Decentralised control of active distribution grids using optimisation and machine learning techniquesSymposium on Stability Assess- ment and Intelligent Control for Sustainable Electrical Power SystemsInvited Speaker01-04-2018TU-Delft, NL
Increasing real-time awareness in Smart GridsSymposium on Power System modelling and simulation, IEEE PES Student BranchInvited Speaker01-04-2018Strathclyde, UK