Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης Τίτλος Συγγραφέας Journal 1 Αυγ-2022 Safeguarding food security: Hormesis-based plant priming to the rescue Christou, Anastasis ; Agathokleous, Evgenios ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health
2 Μαΐ-2022 Effects of biochar derived from the pyrolysis of either biosolids, manure or spent coffee grounds on the growth, physiology and quality attributes of field-grown lettuce plants Christou, Anastasis ; Stylianou, Marinos ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Gedeon, Stella ; Ioannou, Andreas ; Michael, Costas ; Papanastasiou, Panos ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo Environmental Technology & Innovation
3 Σεπ-2021 Uptake of hexavalent chromium by tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants and mediated effects on their physiology and productivity, along with fruit quality and safety Christou, Anastasis ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Zissimos, Andreas M ; Christoforou, Irene C. ; Christofi, Christos ; Neocleous, Damianos ; Dalias, Panagiotis ; Ioannou, Andreas ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Environmental and Experimental Botany
4 Απρ-2021 Assessing the influence of biochars on the hydraulic properties of a loamy sand soil Stylianou, Marinos ; Panagiotou, Constantinos ; Andreou, Emily ; Frixou, Fivia ; Christou, Anastasis ; Papanastasiou, Panos Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
5 Μαρ-2021 Uptake of hexavalent chromium by Lactuca sativa and Triticum aestivum plants and mediated effects on their performance, linked with associated public health risks Christou, Anastasis ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Zissimos, Andreas M ; Christoforou, Irene C. ; Christofi, Christos ; Neocleous, Damianos ; Dalias, Panagiotis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Chemosphere
6 2021 Systems biology reveals key tissue-specific metabolic and transcriptional signatures involved in the response of Medicago truncatula plant genotypes to salt stress Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Zarza, Xavier ; Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Obata, Toshihiro ; Villarroel, Carlos A. ; Ganopoulos, Ioannis ; Harokopos, Vaggelis ; Gohari, Gholamreza ; Aidinis, Vassilis ; Madesis, Panagiotis ; Christou, Anastasis ; Fernie, Alisdair R. ; Tiburcio, Antonio F. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
7 Δεκ-2020 Hexavalent chromium leads to differential hormetic or damaging effects in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants in a concentration-dependent manner by regulating nitro-oxidative and proline metabolism Christou, Anastasis ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Zissimos, A. M. ; Christoforou, Irene C. ; Christofi, Christos ; Neocleous, Damianos ; Dalias, Panagiotis ; Torrado, Sofia O.C.A. ; Argyraki, Ariadne ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Environmental Pollution
8 10-Ιαν-2020 Exploring the Potential of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Sulfide (NOSH)-Releasing Synthetic Compounds as Novel Priming Agents against Drought Stress in Medicago sativa Plants Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Xenofontos, Rafaella ; Chatzimichail, Giannis ; Christou, Anastasis ; Kashfi, Khosrow ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Biomolecules
9 Μαρ-2019 Ranking of crop plants according to their potential to uptake and accumulate contaminants of emerging concern Christou, Anastasis ; Papadavid, George ; Dalias, Panagiotis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Michael, Costas ; Maria Bayona, Josep ; Piña, Benjamin ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo Environmental Research
10 10-Ιαν-2019 Uptake and bioaccumulation of three widely prescribed pharmaceutically active compounds in tomato fruits and mediated effects on fruit quality attributes Christou, Anastasis ; Kyriacou, Marios C. ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Papamarkou, Rafail ; Hapeshi, Evroula ; Karaolia, Popi ; Michael, Costas ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo Science of the Total Environment
11 Μαΐ-2018 Can the pharmaceutically active compounds released in agroecosystems be considered as emerging plant stressors? Christou, Anastasis ; Michael, Costas ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Environment International
12 15-Οκτ-2017 The potential implications of reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation on the agricultural environment: The knowns and unknowns of the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes – A review Christou, Anastasis ; Agüera, Ana ; Maria Bayona, Josep ; Cytryn, Eddie ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Lambropoulou, Dimitra ; Manaia, Celia M. ; Michael, Costas ; Revitt, Mike ; Schröder, Peter ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo Water Research
13 1-Ιου-2017 Assessment of toxic heavy metals concentrations in soils and wild and cultivated plant species in Limni abandoned copper mining site, Cyprus Christou, Anastasis ; Theologidis, Christodoulos ; Costa, Costas ; Kalavrouziotis, Ioannis K. ; Varnavas, Soterios P. Journal of Geochemical Exploration
14 1-Μαΐ-2017 Melatonin systemically ameliorates drought stress-induced damage in Medicago sativa plants by modulating nitro-oxidative homeostasis and proline metabolism Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Chatzimichail, Giannis ; Xenofontos, Rafaella ; Pavlou, Jan J. ; Panagiotou, Evangelia ; Christou, Anastasis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Journal of Pineal Research
15 1-Οκτ-2016 Unravelling chemical priming machinery in plants: the role of reactive oxygen–nitrogen–sulfur species in abiotic stress tolerance enhancement Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Savvides, Andreas M. ; Christou, Anastasis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Current Opinion in Plant Biology
16 1-Ιου-2016 Stress-related phenomena and detoxification mechanisms induced by common pharmaceuticals in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants Christou, Anastasis ; Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Christodoulou, Charalampia ; Hapeshi, Evroula A. ; Stavrou, Ioannis J. ; Michael, Costas ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Science of the Total Environment
17 7-Νοε-2015 Hydrogen sulphide: a versatile tool for the regulation of growth and defence responses in horticultural crops Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Christou, Anastasis ; Manganaris, George A. ; Antoniou, Chrystalla Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology
18 Νοε-2014 Systemic mitigation of salt stress by hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitroprusside in strawberry plants via transcriptional regulation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants Christou, Anastasis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. Environmental and Experimental Botany
19 Απρ-2014 Polyamines reprogram oxidative and nitrosative status and the proteome of citrus plants exposed to salinity stress Tanou, Georgia ; Ziogas, Vasileios ; Belghazi, Maya ; Christou, Anastasis ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Job, Dominique ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Molassiotis, Athanassios Plant, Cell and Environment
20 1-Μαρ-2014 Establishment of a rapid, inexpensive protocol for extraction of high quality RNA from small amounts of strawberry plant tissues and other recalcitrant fruit crops Christou, Anastasis ; Georgiadou, Egli ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. Gene