Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
110-Feb-2015Method and system for detecting fake accounts in online social networks
21-Jan-2015Combating Friend Spam Using Social RejectionsCao, Qiang ; Sirivianos, Michael ; Yang, Xiaowei ; Munagala, Kamesh 
3Mar-2014Leveraging social feedback to verify online identity claimsSirivianos, Michael ; Kim, Kyungbaek ; Gan, Jianwei ; Yang, Xiaowei 
42011Socialfilter: introducing social trust to collaborative spam mitigationKim, Kyungbaek ; Yang, Xiaowei ; Sirivianos, Michael 
5Dec-2009Robust and efficient incentives for cooperative content distributionYang, Xiaowei ; Jarecki, Stanisaw ; Sirivianos, Michael