Sirivianos, Michael (rp00078)

Sirivianos, Michael
Recruitment Date
Σιριβιανός, Μιχάλης
Assistant Professor
Personal Site
Research Interests
In-Memory Large Data Processing Cost Estimation and Pricing of Carrier Infrastructures Dynamic Scaling for Database as a Service Systems Detection of Fake Accounts in Online Social Networks Exploiting Social Networks to Assess the Credibility of Online Users Using Store and Forward Techniques for Delay Tolerant Bulk Transfers Cooperative (Peer-to-peer) Content Distribution using Cryptographic Fair Exchange as Incentive
Trust - aware design of distributed systems
Device - centric authentication
Federated identity management
Discrimination based on personal data
Cybersafety (cyberbullying detection)
Cybergrooming detection
Characterization and detection of hate speech
Detection of inappropriate videos targeting young children
Characterization and suppression of false information
Large scale data processing
Transactional workload scalability
Measurement of blockchain systems
Trust - aware design of distributed systems
Device - centric authentication
Federated identity management
Discrimination based on personal data
Cybersafety (cyberbullying detection)
Cybergrooming detection
Characterization and detection of hate speech
Detection of inappropriate videos targeting young children
Characterization and suppression of false information
Large scale data processing
Transactional workload scalability
Measurement of blockchain systems
Scopus Author ID
Researcher ID
Current Staff

2500 2079
Google Scholar
Subject Areas
Computer Science