Danezis, Chris (rp04742)
Danezis, Chris
Δανέζης, Χρίστος
Dr Chris Danezis is an appointed (tenure-track) Assistant Professor of Geodesy at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics. He is also the Head of the CUT Laboratory of Geodesy. He holds a 5-y Dipl. Ing. in Rural & Surveying Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), a MSc in Geoinformatics from the same university, and a PhD in Geomatic Engineering from the University College London (UCL) department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. His research is mainly focused on the fields of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Ubiquitous and Collaborative Positioning, GNSS Augmentations, Location-Based Services (LBS) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). October 9, 2017 Dr Chris Danezis ⋅ Promotion Application Dossier Page | 3 of 63 Dr. Danezis begun his professional career immediately after completing his undergraduate studies. His first position (2002 – 2004) was with Geotechnologic S.A. where his was appointed as a GeoDatabase Architect, Programmer and Administrator in two cadastral and five rural cadastre projects. He was also involved as an Engineering Surveyor in the construction of major Olympic Venues in Athens, Greece. Between 2006 – 2007, he worked as a contracted research associate at UCL, where he was the leading researcher in a EU-funded FP6 program (abbreviated BEAR) that involved the development and implementation of a prototype animal tracking system. Dr Danezis designed a novel positioning algorithm to augment GPS/GNSS, and increase system availability, accuracy and reliability in GNSSdenied environments. He was also a consulting engineer in two more projects in collaboration with British Oil & Gas private companies. From 2008 to 2009, he worked as a fulltime visiting Lecturer in Geodesy at the Technical Educational Institute of Athens. In 2009, he was appointed as a Geodetic Infrastructure executive in the Hellenic National Mapping Agency at the department responsible for the operation of the Greek GPS/GNSS CORS Network. During his 5-year employment, he developed official software and services related to GPS/GNSS processing, coordinate transformations, and custom GIS extensions to automate geospatial infrastructure processes. Furthermore, he was a member of the Strategic Management Board initiated to reform and modernise the company structure until September 2014, when he was appointed as a tenure-track Lecturer at CUT. Finally, Dr Danezis has worked as a freelance consulting engineer in the private sector for a total period of 12 years. During 2012 - 2014 he was a member of the joint IAG – FIG committee (IAG 4.1.1 and FIG WG 5.5) on Ubiquitous Positioning. Additionally, he is a dedicated programmer of several convential and AI programming languages, tools which he uses extensively in his research. He is the author or co-author of several peer-reviewed papers in leading international scientific journals; He is currently a reviewer in several world-renowned scientific journals and conferences, such as Atmospheric Research, Journal of Applied Geodesy, FIG conferences, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems annual conferences.