Hadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla (rp00633)

Αποτελέσματα για 1-18 από 18.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
118-Δεκ-2024Innovative Language Teaching Practices in Higher Education in a Post-COVID Era
219-Νοε-2024The development of Transversal Skills in an English for the Media programme in Higher Education(HE)Hadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
3Φεβ-2024Media Literacy Mastery: Unmasking Fake News in a Digital AgeHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
42024Innovative Language Teaching Practices in Higher Education in a Post-COVID Era
5Δεκ-2023Developing multimodal literacy through critical practices : an examlpe from an english for the media university programHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
6Νοε-2023Developing Critical Media Literacy Through Project-based Learning in English for Specific PurposesHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
718-Νοε-2022Multimodality in support of language learningHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
813-Νοε-2022Critical understanding of multimodal material in support of language developmentHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
922-Οκτ-2022The use of critical thinking as part of information and media literacy against fake newsHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
102022Reconseptualising critical thinking as a linguistic practice in a Media ESP programmeHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
112021Multimodal texts in support of linguistic and critical thinking development in English for specific purposesHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
12Ιου-2018Evaluating the use of groupware technologies in support of collaborative learning in an esp tertiary education courseMavri, Aekaterini ; Hadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
132017E-portfolios as professional identities for university learners in an English for communication and media programHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
142016Project –based learning for the development of digital literacy skills in ESP courses: Engaging Media students in the production of multimodal artefacts.”Hadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
15Ιου-2013Txt Reflections: Moblogging in ESP Courses at University LevelHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
162013Students’ reflections on the effectiveness of their ESAP courses: A multidisciplinary evaluation at tertiary levelHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla ; Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi 
172012ESAP courses: An innovative vista in language learning. From needs analysis to evaluationHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla ; Nikiforou, Eleni 
182010“Another brick in the WALL”: Wiki Assisted Language Learning in ESP university coursesHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla ; Yerou, Christina