| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 1 | 14-Jun-2022 | Antecedents of unfinished nursing care: a systematic review of the literature | Chiappinotto, Stefania ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Efstathiou, Georgios ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Stemmer, Renate ; Ströhm, Christina ; Schubert, Maria ; De Wolf-Linder, Susanne ; Longhini, Jessica ; Palese, Alvisa | BMC Nursing |
| 2 | Apr-2021 | Strategies to prevent missed nursing care: An international qualitative study based upon a positive deviance approach | Longhini, Jessica ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Efstathiou, Georgios ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Stemmer, Renate ; Ströhm, Christina ; Schubert, Maria ; De Wolf-Linder, Susanne ; Palese, Alvisa | Journal of Nursing Management |
| 3 | Nov-2019 | Understanding the concept of missed nursing care from a cross-cultural perspective | Zeleníková, Renáta ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Gurkova, Elena ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Sermeus, Walter ; Schubert, Maria ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Acaroglu, Rengin ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Antonic, Darijana ; Ausserhofer, Dietmar ; Baret, Christophe ; Bosch‐Leertouwer, Helen ; Bragadottir, Helga ; Bruyneel, Luk ; Christiansen, Karin ; Čiutienė, Rūta ; Cordeiro, Raul ; Deklava, Liana ; Dhaini, Suzanne ; Eftathiou, Georgios ; Ezra, Sigal ; Fuster, Pilan ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Habermann, Monika ; Halovsen, Kristin ; Hamilton, Patti ; Harvey, Clare ; Hinno, Saima ; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjörg ; Jarosova, Darja ; Jones, Terry ; Kane, Raphaela ; Kirwan, Marcia ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Leppée, Marcel ; Lopes, Mario A. ; Millere, Inga ; Ozsaban, Aysel ; Palese, Alvisa ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Pavloska, Katina ; Phelan, Amanda ; Postolache, Paraschiva ; Prga, Ivana ; Rasch, Agripina ; Diaz, Cristobal R. ; Rochefort, Christian ; Scott, Anne Philomena ; Simon, Michael ; Stemmer, Renate ; Tichelaar, Erna ; Toffoli, Luisa ; Tonnessen, Siri ; Uchmanowicz, Izabella ; Vuckovic, Jasminka ; Willis, Eileen ; Xiao, Lily ; Zorcec, Tatjana | Journal of Advanced Nursing |
| 4 | May-2019 | Regulation and current status of patient safety content in pre-registration nurse education in 27 countries: Findings from the Rationing - Missed nursing care (RANCARE) COST Action project | Kirwan, Marcia ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Fuster, Pilar ; Borta, Margareta ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Sermeus, Walter ; Schubert, Maria ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Acaroglu, Rengin ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Antonic, Darijana ; Ausserhofer, Dietmar ; Baret, Christophe ; Bosch‐Leertouwer, Helen ; Bragadottir, Helga ; Bruyneel, Luk ; Christiansen, Karin ; Čiutienė, Rūta ; Cordeiro, Raul ; Deklava, Liana ; Dhaini, Suzanne ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Eftathiou, Georgios ; Ezra, Sigal ; Pilar, Fuster ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Gurkova, Elena ; Habermann, Monika ; Halovsen, Kristin ; Hamilton, Patti ; Harvey, Clare ; Hinno, Saima ; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjörg ; Jarosova, Darja ; Jones, Terry ; Kane, Raphaela ; Kirwan, Marcia ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Leppée, Marcel ; Amorim-Lopes, Mário ; Rengel Díaz, Cristóbal ; Rochefort, Christian ; Scott, Philomena Anne ; Simon, Michael ; Stemmer, Renate ; Tichelaar, Erna ; Toffoli, Luisa ; Tonnessen, Siri ; Uchmanowicz, Izabella ; Vuckovic, Jasminka ; Willis, Eileen ; Zeleníková, Renáta ; Zorcec, Tatjana | Nurse Education in Practice |
| 5 | Apr-2019 | Advancing the science of unfinished nursing care: Exploring the benefits of cross‐disciplinary knowledge exchange, knowledge integration and transdisciplinarity | Jones, Terry ; Willis, Eileen ; Amorim-Lopes, Mário ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Sermeus, Walter ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Acaroglu, Rengin ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Antonic, Darijana ; Ausserhofer, Dietmar ; Baret, Christophe ; Bosch‐Leertouwer, Helen ; Bragadottir, Helga ; Bruyneel, Luk ; Christiansen, Charlotte ; Čiutienė, Rūta ; Cordeiro, Raul ; Deklava, Liana ; Dhaini, Suzanne ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Eftathiou, Georgios ; Ezra, Sigal ; Pilan, Fuster ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Gurkova, Elena ; Habermann, Monika ; Halovsen, Kristin ; Hamilton, Patti ; Harvey, Clare ; Hinno, Saima ; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjörg ; Jarosova, Darja ; Jones, Terry ; Kane, Raphaela ; Kirwan, Marcia ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Leppée, Marcel ; Amorim-Lopes, Mário ; Millere, Inga ; Ozsaban, Aysel ; Palese, Alvisa ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Pavloska, Katina ; Phelan, Amanda ; Postolache, Paraschiva ; Prga, Ivana ; Rasch, Agripina ; Rengel Díaz, Cristóbal ; Rochefort, Christian ; Scott, Anne ; Simon, Michael ; Stemmer, Renate ; Tichelaar, Erna ; Toffoli, Luisa ; Tonnessen, Siri ; Uchmanowicz, Izabella ; Vuckovic, Jasminka ; Willis, Eileen ; Xiao, Lily ; Zeleníková, Renáta ; Zorcec, Tatjana | Journal of Advanced Nursing |
| 6 | Sep-2018 | Ethical climate and missed nursing care in cancer care units | Vryonides, Stavros ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Eleftheriou, Christos ; Merkouris, Anastasios | Nursing Ethics |
| 7 | 23-Aug-2018 | Investigation into the metric properties of the workplace social capital questionnaire and its association with self-rated health and psychological distress amongst Greek-Cypriot registered nurses: cross-sectional descriptive study | Middleton, Nicos ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Karanikola, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Papastavrou, Evridiki | BMC Public Health |
| 8 | 2-Jan-2018 | Has family involvement migrated into higher education? An investigation of how administrative staff document the phenomenon in students’ university experiences in Cyprus | Symeou, Loizos ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Lamprianou, Iasonas ; Rentzou, Konstantina ; Andreou, Panayiota | International Studies in Sociology of Education |
| 9 | May-2017 | "Health Care Professionals' compassion" rounds | Lakatamitou, Ioanna ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Rilley, Jillian ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Middleton, Nicos ; Pepper, John | European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing |
| 10 | 1-Dec-2015 | The ethical dimension of nursing care rationing: A thematic synthesis of qualitative studies | Vryonides, Stavros ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Merkouris, Anastasios | |
| 11 | Dec-2015 | Translation and Validation of the Revised Professional Practice Environment Questionnaire in the Greek Language | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Middleton, Nicos ; Merkouris, Anastasios ; Lambrou, Persefoni ; Lemonidou, Chrysoula | Journal of Nursing Measurement |
| 12 | 19-Oct-2015 | The Impact of Pain Assessment on Critically Ill Patients' Outcomes: A Systematic Review | Georgiou, Evanthia ; Hadjibalassi, Maria ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth | BioMed Research International, |
| 13 | 8-Sep-2015 | Dementia caregiver burden association with community participation aspect of social capital | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Middleton, Nicos ; Tsangari, Haritini ; Papacostas, Savvas S. | Journal of Advanced Nursing |
| 14 | Sep-2014 | Linking patient satisfaction with nursing care: the case of care rationing - a correlational study | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Tsangari, Haritini ; Merkouris, Anastasios | BMC Nursing |
| 15 | Aug-2014 | The hidden ethical element of nursing care rationing | Andreou, Panayiota ; Vryonides, Stavros ; Papastavrou, Evridiki | Nurs Ethics |
| 16 | Jul-2014 | Social capital and care in the community: a methodological study | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Middleton, Nicos | European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare |
| 17 | Jun-2014 | Rationing of nursing care within professional environmental constraints: a correlational study | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Tsangari, Haritini ; Schubert, Maria ; De Geest, Sabina | Clinical Nursing Research |
| 18 | Mar-2014 | Factors associated with quality of life among family members of patients with dementia in Cyprus | Andreou, Panayiota ; Middleton, Nicos ; Papacostas, Savvas S. ; Kyriacou Georgiou, Irini ; Papastavrou, Evridiki | International Psychogeriatrics |
| 19 | Jan-2014 | Rationing of nursing care and nurse-patient outcomes: a systematic review of quantitative studies | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Efstathiou, Georgios | International Journal of Health Planning and Management |
| 20 | 1-Oct-2013 | Association of social capital at work with self-rated health and psychological distress: Nicos Middleton | Middleton, Nicos ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Lamnisos, Demetris ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Karanikola, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana | The European Journal of Public Health |