Parmaxi, Antigoni
Παρμαξή Αντιγόνη

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Research scholarship from Cyprus Youth Board under the program “Students in Action”Research scholarship from Cyprus Youth Board under the program “Students in Action” to conduct research project related to Virtual and Augmented Reality for Language Learning.01-12-2018
Travel and conference grant from GoogleTravel and conference grant from Google for participation at the Society of Women Engineers Conference in Los Angeles, California01-10-2014
Travel scholarship from Association for Computing Machinery Committee on WomenTravel scholarship from Association for Computing Machinery Committee on Women for participation at the 3rd International Constructionism Conference 2014 in Vienna, Austria01-08-2014
Member of winning team of Mahallae Challenge "Women and Dialogue" (Member of winning team of Mahallae Challenge "Women and Dialogue"01-05-2014
Charlemagne Youth AwardMember of the national winning entry for the annual European Charlemagne Youth Competition with Let’s Research e-magazine01-04-2013