Results 21-29 of 29 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
2117-Feb-2019Scaffolding augmented reality inquiry learning: the design and investigation of the TraceReaders location-based, augmented reality platformKyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis Interactive Learning Environments 
22Dec-2018Relations between student motivation, immersion and learning outcomes in location-based augmented reality settingsGeorgiou, Yiannis ; Kyza, Eleni A. Computers in Human Behavior 
231-Aug-2018Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Need for Cognition Scale–Short Form in the Greek Language for Secondary School StudentsGeorgiou, Yiannis ; Kyza, Eleni A. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 
242-Jan-2018An inquiry-based augmented reality mobile learning approach to fostering primary school students’ historical reasoning in non-formal settingsEfstathiou, Irene ; Kyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis Interactive Learning Environments 
251-Feb-2017The development and validation of the ARI questionnaire: An instrument for measuring immersion in location-based augmented reality settingsGeorgiou, Yiannis ; Kyza, Eleni A. International Journal of Human Computer Studies 
262-Jul-2016Investigating the Effectiveness of an Inquiry-Based Intervention on Human Reproduction in Relation to Students’ Gender, Prior Knowledge and Motivation for Learning in BiologyHadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Kyza, Eleni A. ; Mappouras, Demetrios G. Journal of Biological Education 
271-Jan-2015Integrating sustainable consumption into environmental education: A lase study on environmental representations, decision making and intention to actHadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Ioannou, Hara ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Manoli C., Constantinos International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 
28Jun-2014Evaluating the impact of the Earthkeepers Earth education program on children's ecological understandings, values and attitudes, and behaviour in CyprusManoli, Constantinos C. ; Johnson, Bruce ; Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Ioannou, Hara Studies in Educational Evaluation 
29Jun-2014Developing in-service science teachers’ ownership of the PROFILES pedagogical framework through a technologysupported participatory design approach to professional developmentKyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis Science Education International