Souleles, Nicos
Σουλελές, Νίκος

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Title Activity description Work accomplishedStart dateEnd date
External ExaminerExternal Examiner for the undergraduate degree in Design, appointed by the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) for Alexander College (Larnaka, Cyprus)Annual evaluation01-01-201901-01-2020
Evaluator of Higher Education qualificationsMember of the Ministry of Education committee (KYSATS) that assesses the comparability of Higher Education qualifications of study obtained outside Cyprus.Evaluated comparability of Higher Education qualifications01-01-201901-01-2020
AdvisorInvited advisor for the ‘TESEO - Ariadne's thread in the digital age project’ that aims to design new educational models and new training profiles and raise awareness about the tools offered by today’s digital revolution; it also aims to increase the so-called digital soft skills that are essential for both for elementary users of digital media and those involved in information and communication technologies as well as professionals in the new cultural industries.Evaluation of curriculum including instructional strategies01-01-201901-01-2020
Scientific Advisor on entrepreneurshipSYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education, Scientific Advisor on entrepreneurship, social innovation and social design. Scientific Advisor for the project ‘Migrant ENPower’.Evaluation of process and outcomes from an academic perspective01-01-201801-01-2019
3rd Cairo International Bienale of Children's ArtΣυμμετοχή ως κριτής σε καλλιτεχνική έκθεση - https://cairoibca.com01-11-202401-04-2025
Supervising academic: Cyprus Youth for the Sustainable Development GoalsYOU NEVER TOLD US! Social awareness campaign about Sustainable Development Goals among young people in Cyprus. A collaborative group project by final year undergraduate students at Cyprus University of Technology, Autumn 2024.Social media campaign: