Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης Τίτλος Συγγραφέας Journal 81 1-Ιου-2016 Stress-related phenomena and detoxification mechanisms induced by common pharmaceuticals in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants Christou, Anastasis ; Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Christodoulou, Charalampia ; Hapeshi, Evroula A. ; Stavrou, Ioannis J. ; Michael, Costas ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Science of the Total Environment
82 1-Απρ-2016 Chemical Priming of Plants Against Multiple Abiotic Stresses: Mission Possible? Savvides, Andreas M. ; Ali, Shawkat ; Tester, Mark ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Trends in Plant Science
43 1-Μαρ-2016 Kresoxim-methyl primes Medicago truncatula plants against abiotic stress factors via altered reactive oxygen and nitrogen species signalling leading to downstream transcriptional and metabolic readjustment Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Obata, Toshihiro ; Van Der Kelen, Katrien ; Harokopos, Vaggelis ; Kanetis, Loukas ; Aidinis, Vassilis ; Van Breusegem, Frank ; Fernie, Alisdair ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Journal of Experimental Botany
44 18-Φεβ-2016 Global metabolic profiling of arabidopsis polyamine oxidase 4 (AtPAO4) loss-of-function mutants exhibiting delayed dark-induced senescence Sequera-Mutiozabal, Miren I. ; Erban, Alexander ; Kopka, Joachim ; Atanasov, Kostadin E. ; Bastida, Jaume ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Alcázar, Rubén ; Tiburcio, Antonio Fernández Frontiers in Plant Science
25 7-Νοε-2015 Hydrogen sulphide: a versatile tool for the regulation of growth and defence responses in horticultural crops Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Christou, Anastasis ; Manganaris, George A. ; Antoniou, Chrystalla Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology
26 21-Οκτ-2015 Temporal analysis reveals a key role for VTE5 in vitamin E biosynthesis in olive fruit during on-tree development Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Ntourou, Thessaloniki ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Manganaris, George A. ; Kalaitzis, Panagiotis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Frontiers in Plant Science
27 24-Σεπ-2015 Roles of sodium hydrosulfide and sodium nitroprusside as priming molecules during drought acclimation in citrus plants Ziogas, Vasileios ; Tanou, Georgia ; Belghazi, Maya ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Grigorios, Diamantidis ; Molassiotis, Athanassios Plant Molecular Biology
28 Δεκ-2014 Winter leaf redness in mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus L.) is associated with increased cellular damage levels and modified nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide biosynthesis Nikiforou, Constantinos ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Manetas, Yiannis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research
29 5-Νοε-2014 Interplay between GST and nitric oxide in the early response of soybean (Glycine max L.) plants to salinity stress Dinler, Burcu Seckin Eckin ; Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Journal of Plant Physiology
30 Νοε-2014 Systemic mitigation of salt stress by hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitroprusside in strawberry plants via transcriptional regulation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants Christou, Anastasis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. Environmental and Experimental Botany
31 Ιου-2014 Application of sodium nitroprusside results in distinct antioxidant gene expression patterns in leaves of mature and senescing Medicago truncatula plants Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Mylona, Photini V. ; Fasoula, Dionysia A. ; Ioannides, Ioannis M. ; Polidoros, Alexios N. ; Antoniou, Chrystalla Protoplasma
32 30-Μαΐ-2014 Exploring the potential of NOSH-aspirin as a plant priming agent against abiotic stress factors Chatzimichail, Giannis ; Kashfi, Khosrow ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Antoniou, Chrystalla Nitric Oxide
33 Απρ-2014 Polyamines reprogram oxidative and nitrosative status and the proteome of citrus plants exposed to salinity stress Tanou, Georgia ; Ziogas, Vasileios ; Belghazi, Maya ; Christou, Anastasis ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Job, Dominique ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Molassiotis, Athanassios Plant, Cell and Environment
34 1-Μαρ-2014 Establishment of a rapid, inexpensive protocol for extraction of high quality RNA from small amounts of strawberry plant tissues and other recalcitrant fruit crops Christou, Anastasis ; Georgiadou, Egli ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. Gene
35 5-Φεβ-2014 Sodium hydrosulfide induces systemic thermotolerance to strawberry plants through transcriptional regulation of heat shock proteins and aquaporin Christou, Anastasis ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. BMC Plant Biology
36 Ιαν-2014 Proline and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species metabolism is involved in the tolerant response of the invasive plant species Ailanthus altissima to drought and salinity Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Bouchagier, Pavlos ; Skotti, Effie ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Environmental and Experimental Botany
37 Δεκ-2013 Altered apoplastic ascorbate redox state in tobacco plants via ascorbate oxidase overexpression results in delayed dark-induced senescence in detached leaves Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Kanellis, Angelos K. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
38 Σεπ-2013 Developmental stage-and concentration- specific sodium nitroprusside application results in nitrate reductase regulation and the modification of nitrate metabolism in leaves of Medicago truncatula plants Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Mylona, Photini V. ; Fasoula, Dionysia A. ; Ioannides, Ioannis M. ; Polidoros, Alexios N. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Antoniou, Chrystalla Plant Signaling and Behavior
39 Ιου-2013 Nitrosative responses in citrus plants exposed to six abiotic stress conditions Ziogas, Vasileios ; Tanou, Georgia ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Diamantidis, Grigorios C. ; Vasilakakis, Miltiadis D. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Molassiotis, Athanassios Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
40 8-Απρ-2013 Hydrogen sulfide induces systemic tolerance to salinity and non-ionic osmotic stress in strawberry plants through modification of reactive species biosynthesis and transcriptional regulation of multiple defence pathways Christou, Anastasis ; Papadopoulos, Ioannis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. Journal of Experimental Botany