Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
Publishing in High-Impact Academic Journals: Challenges and OpportunitiesInternational Conference on Marketing, Tourism & HospitalityInternational Conference on Marketing, Tourism & Hospitality21-12-2018
Citation and Utilization of Scientific Research within Southeast Asia.3rd International Conference on Business, Education, Engineering and Sciences3rd International Conference on Business, Education, Engineering and Sciences28-10-2019
Teaching and learning practices of the 21st Century26th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences (AP20Thailand Conference)26th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences14-02-2020
-The 5th International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2024)Keynote Speaker05-12-2024
AI Tools in the ‘Publish or Perish’ EraThe 5th International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2024)Keynote Speaker_CLONE05-12-2024
Reimagining Education and Research with AI: Interdisciplinary Pathways to Future-Proof LearningThe 5th International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (IVCIRHE 2024)keynote speaker04-12-2024