Results 1-20 of 22 (Search time: 0.027 seconds).

TitleFunderStatusBudgetExpiration Date
A digital Solid Waste reuse plAtform for BalkaN31-12-2019
Διαχείριση και προστασία ευπαθών έργων τέχνης σε μουσεία απο αέριους τύπους31-12-2015
Πρόληψη και περιστολή θαλάσσιας ρύπανσης σε εμπορικούς και τουριστικούς λιμένες Prevention & Compating of Marine Pollution in Ports and Marinas
Διαμόρφωση και Πιλοτική Εφαρμογή Σχεδίων Ολοκληρωμένης Διαχείρισης της Παράκτιας Ζώνης στη Ρόδο και στην Κύπρο
Risk assessment analysis on offshore platforms in South East Mediterranean (RAOP-MED)30-12-2015
Sustainable management of livestock waste for the removal/recovery of nutrients15-12-2016
Ανάπτυξη Ολοκληρωμένης Τεχνολογίας Καταστροφής των Οξειδίων Θείου (Sox) και Αζώτου (Nox) που εκπέμπονται από πλοία14-01-2011
Decentralized management of biowaste and utilization with the use of alternative and novel treatment systems31-12-2019
European Network for Environmental Citizenship26-10-2021
Evaluation of a Novel Microsieve-Membrane Bioreactor For Wastewater Treatment14-05-2013
Demonstration of an integrated waste-to-energy system for energy generation from biodegradable organic waste and wastewater30-06-2013
Novel Technology for the De-Pollution of Ship Exhaust Gasses31-12-2011
Development and Operation of an Integrated, Autonomous Prototype Membrane System for the Advanced Treatment of Wastewaters in Cyprus31-12-2011
Development of an Integrated Intelligent and Decision Support System (DSS) System for the Management of Resources, for the Confrontation of Natural, Societal and Technological Disasters31-12-2019
Balkan Med Interregional Innovation Ecosystem for maturing and mainstreaming innovative entrepreneurial ideas in Agrifood sector31-12-2019
Ammonia and Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Animal Production Buildings16-05-2021
Management and Protection of Sensitive Artworks from Indoor Air Pollution31-12-2015
Development and Application of Integrated Coastal Management Plans in Rodos and Cyprus31-12-2015
Sustainable Management of Biotic and Abiotic Parameters in Hydroponic Cultures14-10-2014
Prevention & Combating of Marine Pollution in Ports & Marinas29-06-2013