NOVA University of Lisbon

Organization name
NOVA University of Lisbon

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Mar-2024Subnational inequalities in years of life lost and associations with socioeconomic factors in pre-pandemic Europe, 2009-19: an ecological studyChen-Xu, José ; Varga, Orsolya ; Mahrouseh, Nour ; Eikemo, Terje Andreas ; Grad, Diana A ; Wyper, Grant M A ; Badache, Andreea ; Balaj, Mirza ; Charalampous, Periklis ; Economou, Mary ; Haagsma, Juanita A. ; Haneef, Romana ; Mechili, Enkeleint A ; Unim, Brigid ; von der Lippe, Elena ; Baravelli, Carl Michael The Lancet Public Health 
2May-2022Responsible Research and Innovation Framework, the Nagoya Protocol and Other European Blue Biotechnology Strategies and Regulations: Gaps Analysis and Recommendations for Increased Knowledge in the Marine Biotechnology CommunitySchneider, Xenia Theodotou ; Stroil, Belma Kalamujić ; Tourapi, Christiana ; Rebours, Céline ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Novoveská, Lucie ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen Marine Drugs 
328-Jul-2023Inequalities in the burden of non-communicable diseases across European countries: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 studyAndrade, Carlos Alexandre Soares ; Mahrouseh, Nour ; Gabrani, Jonila ; Charalampous, Periklis ; Cuschieri, Sarah ; Grad, Diana Alecsandra ; Unim, Brigid ; Mechili, Enkeleint A ; Chen-Xu, José ; Devleesschauwer, Brecht ; Isola, Gaetano ; von der Lippe, Elena ; Baravelli, Carl Michael ; Fischer, Florian ; Weye, Nanna ; Balaj, Mirza ; Haneef, Romana ; Economou, Mary ; Haagsma, Juanita A. ; Varga, Orsolya International journal for equity in health 
41-Nov-2023Improving awareness, understanding, and enforcement of responsibilities and regulations in Blue BiotechnologySchneider, Xenia T. ; Stroil, Belma K. ; Tourapi, Christiana ; Rebours, Céline ; Novoveská, Lucie ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. Trends in Biotechnology 
52024A guide to the use of bioassays in exploration of natural resourcesSabotič, Jerica ; Bayram, Engin ; Ezra, David ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Haznedaroğlu, Berat Z. ; Janež, Nika ; Ktari, Leila ; Luganini, Anna ; Mandalakis, Manolis ; Safarik, Ivo ; Simes, Dina ; Strode, Evita ; Toruńska-Sitarz, Anna ; Varamogianni-Mamatsi, Despoina ; Varese, Giovanna Cristina ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen Biotechnology Advances 
63-Oct-2022From the sea to aquafeed: A perspective overviewEroldoğan, Orhan Tufan ; Glencross, Brett ; Novoveská, Lucie ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Rinkevich, Buki ; Varese, Giovanna Cristina ; de Fátima Carvalho, Maria ; Tasdemir, Deniz ; Safarik, Ivo ; Nielsen, Søren Laurentius ; Rebours, Céline ; Lada, Lukić Bilela ; Robbens, Johan ; Strode, Evita ; Haznedaroğlu, Berat Z. ; Kotta, Jonne ; Evliyaoğlu, Ece ; Oliveira, Juliana ; Girão, Mariana ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen ; Čabarkapa, Ivana ; Rakita, Slađana ; Klun, Katja ; Rotter, Ana Reviews in Aquaculture 
714-Apr-2022Editorial: Marine Biotechnology, Revealing an Ocean of OpportunitiesRotter, Ana ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Dubnika, Arita ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen Frontiers in Marine Science