Organization name
Department of Shipping
The newly established Department of Shipping within the Faculty of Management and Economics will offer its first purely oriented shipping programs in the academic year 2023-2024. The Department of Shipping is new; however, the discipline of shipping was part of the Cyprus University of Technology since its inception. The discipline has achieved an excellent track record in terms of the level of its graduates and has gained the respect of the local industry. As the only public university to offer unrivalled quality education in shipping, logistics and transportation, the Department of Shipping is well placed to capitalize on the arising external opportunities to bolster its position and create value for aspiring students, graduates and stakeholders.

In preparing for the next leap in its development, the Department and its people would be eager to hear from interested parties how mutual value can be created in this fathomless field. In addition, it is eager to provide well-substantiated support to the pertinent government bodies in developing and implementing holistic and integrated maritime policies, which will have a positive impact on the national economy, since the shipping sector is continuously flourishing and will always be a key pillar of the Cypriot and international economy.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-69 of 69 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6112-Jan-2023Towards a Zero-Emissions Port Stay; Challenges, Opportunities, and Insights from the IndustryZis, Thalis 
621-Aug-2016TRE Special Issue IAME 2015Visvikis, Ilias D. ; Panayides, Photis 
632021Unconventional monetary policy and international equity capital flows to emerging marketsAndreou, Christoforos K. ; Dimic, Nebojsa ; Piljak, Vanja ; Savvides, Andreas 
64Nov-2012Valuation effects of mergers and acquisitions in freight transportationAndreou, Panayiotis ; Panayides, Photis ; Louca, Christodoulos 
65Dec-2022Αξιολόγηση ρυθμιστικού πλαισίου συμμόρφωσης και επιβολής προστίμων με τα όρια εκπομπών θείου στην ναυτιλίαΓκιόντου, Μαρία 
662024Βελτιστοποίηση του θρεπτικού μέσου για την καλλιέργεια μακροφυκώνΠετεινού, Παντελίτσα 
67Dec-2022Η μεθανόλη σαν εναλλακτικό καύσιμο στη ναυτιλίαΓεωργίου, Σπυρούλα 
8May-2022Περιβαλλοντική και Οικονομική Απόδοση και Ανταγωνιστικότητα των Ναυτιλιακών ΕταιρειώνΜιχάηλου, Κατερίνα 
9Dec-2018Τα Λιμάνια, ο Τρόπος Διακυβέρνησης και Ιδιοκτησίας τους και η Συνεισφορά τους Προς την Κρατική ΟικονομίαΦωκά, Θεόδωρος