Organization name
University of Agder

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
11-Αυγ-2022Virtual Tours as Emerging Technologies to Engage Children and Youth with their Country’s Historical ConflictsNicolaidou, Iolie ; Zupančič, Rok ; Fiedler, Anke ; Andresen, Kenneth ; Hoxha, Abit ; Ntaltagianni, Christina ; Aivalioti, Maria ; Kasapovic, Mak ; Milioni, Dimitra L. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 
21-Ιαν-2024True knowledge vs empowering knowledge: conceptualizing a theory of mindfulness and knowledge transfer (TMKT)Issac, Abraham Cyril ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Christofi, Michael Journal of Managerial Psychology 
31-Ιου-2020Second-order hydrodynamic effects on the response of three semisubmersible floating offshore wind turbinesZhang, Lixian ; Shi, Wei ; Karimirad, Madjid  ; Michailides, Constantine ; Jiang, Zhiyu Ocean Engineering 
41-Ιαν-2024“Real impact”: Challenges and opportunities in bridging the gap between research and practice – Making a difference in industry, policy, and societyDwivedi, Yogesh K. ; Jeyaraj, Anand ; Hughes, Laurie ; Davies, Gareth H. ; Ahuja, Manju ; Albashrawi, Mousa Ahmed ; Al-Busaidi, Adil S. ; Al-Sharhan, Salah ; Al-Sulaiti, Khalid Ibrahim ; Altinay, Levent ; Amalaya, Shem ; Archak, Sunil ; Ballestar, María Teresa ; Bhagwat, Shonil A. ; Bharadwaj, Anandhi ; Bhushan, Amit ; Bose, Indranil ; Budhwar, Pawan ; Bunker, Deborah ; Capatina, Alexandru ; Carter, Lemuria ; Constantiou, Ioanna ; Coombs, Crispin ; Crick, Tom ; Csáki, Csaba ; Darnige, Yves ; Dé, Rahul ; Delbridge, Rick ; Dubey, Rameshwar ; Gauld, Robin ; Gutti, Ravi Kumar ; Hattingh, Marié ; Haug, Arve ; Hendricks, Leeya ; Hino, Airo ; Hsu, Cathy H.C. ; Iivari, Netta ; Janssen, Marijn ; Jebabli, Ikram ; Howard-Jones, Paul ; Junglas, Iris ; Kaushik, Abhishek ; Khazanchi, Deepak ; Kodama, Mitsuru ; Kraus, Sascha ; Kumar, Vikram ; Maier, Christian ; Malik, Tegwen ; Matthee, Machdel ; McCarthy, Ian P. ; Meier, Marco ; Metri, Bhimaraya ; Micu, Adrian ; Micu, Angela Eliza ; Misra, Santosh K. ; Mishra, Anubhav ; Molin-Juustila, Tonja ; Oppermann, Leif ; O'Regan, Nicholas ; Pal, Abhipsa ; Pandey, Neeraj ; Pappas, Ilias O. ; Parker, Andrew ; Pathak, Kavita ; Pienta, Daniel ; Polyviou, Ariana ; Raman, Ramakrishnan ; Ribeiro-Navarrete, Samuel ; Ritala, Paavo ; Rosemann, Michael ; Sarker, Suprateek ; Saxena, Pallavi ; Schlagwein, Daniel ; Schultze, Hergen ; Sharma, Chitra ; Sharma, Sujeet Kumar ; Simintiras, Antonis ; Singh, Vinay Kumar ; Smuts, Hanlie ; Soldatos, John ; Tiwari, Manoj Kumar ; Thatcher, Jason Bennett ; Vanberghen, Cristina ; Varga, Ákos ; Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni ; Venkatesh, Viswanath ; Viglia, Giampaolo ; Vorley, Tim ; Wade, Michael ; Walton, Paul International Journal of Information Management 
51-Ιαν-2023Owner-manager emotions and strategic responses of small family businesses to the COVID-19 pandemicChristofi, Michael ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Mahto, Raj V. ; Tarba, Shlomo ; Dhir, Amandeep 
61-Ιαν-2024How small firms build resilience to ward off crises: a paradox perspectiveChaudhary, Sanjay ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Meenakshi, N. ; Christofi, Michael Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 
724-Δεκ-2022Chasing Metaverses: Reflecting on Existing Literature to Understand the Business Value of MetaversesPolyviou, Ariana ; Pappas, Ilias O. Information systems frontiers : a journal of research and innovation 
81-Ιαν-2023Born global: antecedents and consequences of innovation capabilitiesMalodia, Suresh ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Alshibani, Safiya Mukhtar ; Christofi, Michael Asia Pacific Journal of Management