Issue Date Title Author(s) Journal 1 1-Jun-2022 Sustainable Development in Tourism: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Langhe Region Vrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael ; Giacosa, Elisa ; Serravalle, Francesca Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
2 Jun-2020 SuperCLASS - III. Weak lensing from radio and optical observations in Data Release 1 Harrison, Ian ; Brown, Michael L. ; Tunbridge, Ben ; Thomas, Daniel B. ; Hillier, Tom ; Thomson, A. P. ; Whittaker, Lee ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Battye, Richard A. ; Bonaldi, Anna ; Camera, Stefano ; Casey, Caitlin M. ; Demetroullas, Constantinos ; Hales, Christopher A. ; Jackson, Neal J. ; Kay, Scott T. ; Manning, Sinclaire M. ; Peters, Aaron ; Riseley, Christopher J. ; Watson, Robert A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
3 1-May-2023 Strategic agility, openness and performance: a mixed method comparative analysis of firms operating in developed and emerging markets Vrontis, Demetris ; Belas, Jaroslav ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Santoro, Gabriele ; Christofi, Michael
4 Nov-2022 Remote working and digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Economic-financial impacts and psychological drivers for employees Battisti, Enrico ; Alfiero, Simona ; Leonidou, Erasmia Journal of Business Research
5 1-Jan-2019 Pollution abatement of heavy metals in different conditions by water kefir grains as a protective tool against toxicity Volpi, Giorgio ; Ginepro, Marco ; Tafur-Marinos, Janeth ; Zelano, Vincenzo ; Goulas, Vlasios Journal of Chemistry
6 2019 Phenome-wide association analysis of LDL-cholesterol lowering genetic variants in PCSK9 Schmidt, Amand F. ; Holmes, Michael Vaclav ; Preiss, David J. ; Swerdlow, Daniel I. ; Denaxas, Spiros ; Fatemifar, Ghazaleh ; Faraway, Rupert ; Finan, Chris I. ; Valentine, Dennis ; Fairhurst-Hunter, Zammy ; Hartwig, Fernando Pires ; Teumer, Alexander ; Baumeister, Sebastian Edgar ; Dörr, Marcus ; Lerch, Markus M. ; Völker, Uwe ; Völzke, Henry ; Ward, Joey ; Pell, Jill P. ; Meade, Tom W. ; Christophersen, Ingrid E. ; Horta, Bernardo Lessa ; Maitland-van Der Zee, Anke Hilse ; Baranova, Ekaterina V. ; Young, Robin ; Ford, Ian ; Campbell, Archie ; Padmanabhan, Sandosh ; Bots, Michiel L. ; Grobbee, Diederick E. ; Froguel, Philippe ; Thuillier, Dorothée ; Hyppönen, Elina ; Roussel, Ronan ; Bonnefond, Amélie ; Cariou, Bertrand ; Smart, Melissa C. ; Bao, Yanchun ; Kumari, Meena ; Mahajan, Anubha ; Hopewell, Jemma C. ; Seshadri, Sudha ; Dale, Caroline E. ; Power, Chris ; Costa, Rui Providencia E. ; Ridker, Paul M. ; Chasman, Daniel I. ; Reiner, Alex P. ; Ritchie, Marylyn D. ; Lange, Leslie A. ; Cornish, Alex J. ; Dobbins, Sara E. ; Hemminki, Kari ; Kinnersley, Ben ; Moldovan, Max V. ; Sanson, Marc ; Labreche, Karim ; Simon, Matthias ; Bondy, Melissa ; Law, Philip ; Speedy, Helen ; Allan, James ; Li, Ni ; Went, Molly ; Weinhold, Niels ; Van Iperen, Erik P.A ; Morgan, Gareth ; Sonneveld, Pieter ; Nilsson, Björn ; Goldschmidt, Hartmut ; Sud, Amit ; Engert, Andreas ; Hansson, Markus ; Hemingway, Harry ; Asselbergs, Folkert W. ; Patel, Riyaz S. ; Hovingh, Kees ; Keating, Brendan J. ; Sattar, Naveed A. ; Houlston, Richard ; Casas, Juan Pablo ; Hingorani, Aroon D. ; Demuth, Ilja ; Norman, Kristina ; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth ; Demuth, Juri ; Bertram, Lars ; Lill, Christina M. ; Coassin, Stefan ; Willeit, Johann ; Kiechl, Stefan ; Willeit, Karin ; Mason, Dan ; Wright, John J. ; Morris, Richard W. ; Wanamethee, Goya ; Whincup, Peter Hynes ; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav ; McLachlan, Stela ; Price, Jackie F. ; Kivimaki, Mika ; Welch, Catherine A. ; Sanchez-Galvez, Adelaida ; Marques-Vidal, Pedro ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. ; Onland-Moret, N. Charlotte ; Van Der Schouw, Yvonne T. ; Matullo, Giuseppe ; Fiorito, Giovanni ; Guarrera, Simonetta ; Sacerdote, Carlotta ; Wareham, Nicholas J. ; Langenberg, Claudia ; Scott, Robert A. ; Luan, Jian'an ; Bobak, Martin ; Malyutina, Sofia K. ; Pająk, Andrzej ; Kubinova, Růžena ; Tamosiunas, Abdonas ; Pikhart, Hynek ; Grarup, Niels ; Pedersen, Oluf Borbye Orbye ; Hansen, Torben H. ; Linneberg, Allan ; Jess, Tine ; Cooper, Jackie A. ; Humphries, Steve Eric ; Brilliant, Murray H. ; Kitchner, Terrie E. ; Hakonarson, Håkon H. ; Carrell, David S. ; McCarty, Catherine A. ; Kirchner, H. Lester ; Larson, Eric B. ; Crosslin, David R. ; De Andrade, Mariza ; Roden, Dan M. ; Denny, Joshua C. ; Carty, Cara L. ; Hancock, Stephen John ; Attia, John ; Holliday, Elizabeth G. ; Scott, Rodney ; Schofield, Peter ; O'Donnell, Martin ; Yusuf, Salim ; Chong, Michael ; Pare, Guillaume ; Van Der Harst, Pim ; Said, Mir Abdullah ; Eppinga, Ruben N. ; Verweij, Niek ; Snieder, Harold ; Christen, Tim ; Mook-Kanamori, Dennis Owen ; Gustafsson, Stefan A. ; Lind, Lars ; Ingelsson, Erik ; Pazoki, Raha ; Franco, Oscar H. ; Hofman, Albert ; Uitterlinden, André G. ; Dehghan, Abbas BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
7 2021 Past, present, and future of mergers and acquisitions in the MENA region: a systematic review and integrative framework Battisti, Enrico ; Christofi, Michael ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Nirino, Niccolò International Studies of Management & Organization
8 1-Jan-2021 Non-financial reporting and company financial performance: a systematic literature review and integrated framework Crous, Cornelie ; Battisti, Enrico ; Leonidou, Erasmia EuroMed Journal of Business
9 17-May-2021 A New Tool for Faster Construction of Marine Biotechnology Collaborative Networks Rotter, Ana ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Klun, Katja ; Macher, Jan-Niklas ; Thomas, Olivier P. ; Deniz, Irem ; Edwards, Christine ; Grigalionyte-Bembič, Ernesta ; Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Robbens, Johan ; Varese, Giovanna Cristina ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen Frontiers in Marine Science
10 12-May-2020 A New Network for the Advancement of Marine Biotechnology in Europe and Beyond Rotter, Ana ; Bacu, Ariola ; Barbier, Michèle ; Bertoni, Francesco ; Bones, Atle M. ; Cancela, M. Leonor ; Carlsson, Jens ; Carvalho, Maria F. ; Cegłowska, Marta ; Dalay, Meltem Conk ; Dailianis, Thanos ; Deniz, Irem ; Drakulovic, Dragana ; Dubnika, Arita ; Einarsson, Hjörleifur ; Erdoğan, Ayşegül ; Eroldoğan, Orhan Tufan ; Ezra, David ; Fazi, Stefano ; FitzGerald, Richard J. ; Gargan, Laura M. ; Gaudêncio, Susana P. ; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica ; Joksimovic, Danijela ; Kataržytė, Marija ; Kotta, Jonne ; Mandalakis, Manolis ; Matijošytė, Inga ; Mazur-Marzec, Hanna ; Massa-Gallucci, Alexia ; Mehiri, Mohamed ; Nielsen, Søren Laurentius ; Novoveská, Lucie ; Overlingė, Donata ; Portman, Michelle E. ; Pyrc, Krzysztof ; Rebours, Céline ; Reinsch, Thorsten ; Reyes, Fernando ; Rinkevich, Baruch ; Robbens, Johan ; Rudovica, Vita ; Sabotič, Jerica ; Safarik, Ivo ; Talve, Siret ; Tasdemir, Deniz ; Schneider, Xenia Theodotou ; Thomas, Olivier P. ; Toruńska-Sitarz, Anna ; Varese, Giovanna Cristina ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen Frontiers in Marine Science
11 20-Jan-2020 Managing technological innovation in the sports industry: a challenge for retail management Vrontis, Demetris ; Viassone, Milena ; Serravalle, Francesca ; Christofi, Michael Competitiveness Review
12 1-Jan-2021 International marketing studies in banking and finance: a comprehensive review and integrative framework Battisti, Enrico ; Graziano, Elvira Anna ; Leonidou, Erasmia ; Stylianou, Ioanna ; Pereira, Vijay International Marketing Review
13 17-Feb-2021 Intellectual capital, knowledge sharing and equity crowdfunding Vrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael ; Battisti, Enrico ; Graziano, Elvira Anna Journal of Intellectual Capital
14 17-Jan-2022 Intellectual capital and dividend policy: the effect of CEO characteristics Battisti, Enrico ; Nirino, Niccolò ; Christofi, Michael ; Vrontis, Demetris Journal of Intellectual Capital
15 Aug-2020 Impact of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculum and exogenous MeJA on fenugreek secondary metabolite production under water deficit Irankhah, Simin ; Chitarra, Walter ; Nerva, Luca ; Antoniou, Chrystalla ; Lumini, Erica ; Volpe, Veronica ; Ganjeali, Ali ; Cheniany, Monireh ; Mashreghi, Mansour ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Balestrini, Raffaella Environmental and Experimental Botany
16 Feb-2023 How Can SMEs Use Crowdfunding Platforms to Internationalize? The Role of Equity and Reward Crowdfunding Troise, Ciro ; Battisti, Enrico ; Christofi, Michael ; van Vulpen, Nina Jorien ; Tarba, Shlomo
17 16-Feb-2021 High-performance work systems, innovation and knowledge sharing: An empirical analysis in the context of project-based organizations Bhatti, Sabeen Hussain ; Zakariya, Ramsha ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Santoro, Gabriele ; Christofi, Michael Employee Relations
18 18-Jul-2023 Guest editorial: Financial innovation (FinTech) and sustainability: new tools for sustainable achievements Battisti, Enrico ; Nirino, Niccolò ; Christofi, Michael Qualitative Research in Financial Markets
19 27-Sep-2022 Guest editorial: Corporate social responsibility and COVID-19 global crisis: managerial and financial perspectives in developed and emerging countries Battisti, Enrico ; Bresciani, Stefano ; Christofi, Michael ; Vrontis, Demetris Management Decision
20 19-Feb-2022 Frailty in cardiology: definition, assessment and clinical implications for general cardiology. A consensus document of the Council for Cardiology Practice (CCP), Association for Acute Cardio Vascular Care (ACVC), Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP), European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Council on Valvular Heart Diseases (VHD), Council on Hypertension (CHT), Council of Cardio-Oncology (CCO), Working Group (WG) Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases, WG e-Cardiology, WG Thrombosis, of the European Society of Cardiology, European Primary Care Cardiology Society (EPCCS) Richter, Dimitri ; Guasti, Luigina ; Walker, David ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Lionis, Christos D. ; Abreu, Ana ; Savelieva, Irina ; Fumagalli, Stefano ; Bo, Mario ; Rocca, Bianca ; Jensen, Magnus T ; Pierard, Luc ; Sudano, Isabella ; Aboyans, Victor ; Asteggiano, Riccardo European Journal of Preventive Cardiology