Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης Τίτλος Συγγραφέας Journal 21 Οκτ-2023 Drones for litter monitoring on coasts and rivers: suitable flight altitude and image resolution Andriolo, Umberto ; Topouzelis, Konstantinos ; van Emmerik, Tim H M ; Papakonstantinou, Apostolos ; Monteiro, João Gama ; Isobe, Atsuhiko ; Hidaka, Mitsuko ; Kako, Shin'ichiro ; Kataoka, Tomoya ; Gonçalves, Gil Marine pollution bulletin
22 27-May-2005 Development and evaluation of an urban parameterization scheme in the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) Dandou, Antant ; Tombrou, M. ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Soulakellis, N. ; Bossioli, E. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
23 Feb-2022 Dairy wastewater management in EU: Produced amounts, existing legislation, applied treatment processes and future challenges Stasinakis, Athanasios S. ; Charalambous, Panagiotis ; Vyrides, Ioannis Journal of Environmental Management
184 1-Aug-2012 Cultural Agenda Setting: Media Attributes and Public Attention of Greek Museums Bantimaroudis, Philemon ; Zyglidopoulos, Stelios C. ; Symeou, Pavlos C. ; Bantimaroudis, Philemon ; Zyglidopoulos, Stelios C. Communication Research
185 2015 Cultural Agenda Setting and the Role of Critics: An Empirical Examination in the Market for Art-House Films Symeou, Pavlos C. ; Bantimaroudis, Philemon ; Zyglidopoulos, Stelios C. Communication Research
186 29-Jul-2015 Crossing Frontiers in Tackling Pathways of Biological Invasions Essl, Franz ; Bacher, Sven ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Booy, Olaf ; Brundu, Giuseppe ; Brunel, Sarah ; Cardoso, Ana Cristina ; Eschen, René ; Gallardo, Belinda ; Galil, Bella S. ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Genovesi, Piero ; Groom, Quentin J. ; Harrower, C. A. ; Hulme, Philip E. ; Katsanevakis, Stelios ; Kenis, Marc ; Kühn, Ingolf ; Kumschick, Sabrina ; Martinou, Angeliki F. ; Nentwig, Wolfgang ; O'Flynn, Colette ; Pagad, Shyama N. ; Pergl, Jan ; Pyšek, Petr ; Rabitsch, Wolfgang Bernhard ; Richardson, David M. ; Roques, Alain ; Roy, Helen Elizabeth ; Scalera, Riccardo ; Schindler, Stefan ; Seebens, Hanno ; Vanderhoeven, Sonia ; Vilà, Montserrat ; Wilson, John R.U. ; Zenetos, Argyro ; Jeschke, Jonathan M.
187 1-Apr-2020 A critical analysis of the potential for EU Common Agricultural Policy measures to support wild pollinators on farmland Cole, Lorna J. ; Kleijn, David ; Dicks, Lynn ; Stout, Jane Catherine ; Potts, Simon Geoffrey ; Albrecht, Matthias ; Balzan, Mario V. ; Bartomeus, Ignasi ; Bebeli, Penelope J. ; Bevk, Danilo ; Biesmeijer, Jacobus Christiaan (Koos) ; Chlebo, Róbert ; Dautartė, Anželika ; Emmanouil, Nikolaos G. ; Hartfield, Chris M. ; Holland, John M. ; Holzschuh, Andrea ; Knoben, Nieke T.J. ; Kovács-Hostyánszki, Anikó ; Mandelik, Yael ; Panou, Heleni N. ; Paxton, Robert John ; Petanidou, Theodora ; Pinheiro de Carvalho, Miguel Â.A. ; Rundlöf, Maj ; Sarthou, Jean Pierre ; Stavrinides, Menelaos ; Suso, María José ; Szentgyörgyi, Hajnalka ; Vaissière, Bernard E. ; Varnava, Androulla I. ; Vilà, Montserrat ; Zemeckis, Romualdas ; Scheper, Jeroen Journal of Applied Ecology
188 1-Feb-2018 Conditional Latin Hypercube Simulation of (Log)Gaussian Random Fields Liodakis, Stelios ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Gaganis, Petros Mathematical Geosciences
189 1-Oct-2023 Combined use of strictly anaerobic MBBR and aerobic MBR for municipal wastewater treatment and removal of pharmaceuticals Iliopoulou, Athanasia ; Arvaniti, Olga S ; Deligiannis, Michalis ; Gatidou, Georgia ; Vyrides, Ioannis ; Fountoulakis, Michalis S ; Stasinakis, Athanasios S. Journal of Environmental Management
190 Jun-2016 Coastline Zones Identification and 3D Coastal Mapping Using UAV Spatial Data Papakonstantinou, Apostolos ; Topouzelis, Konstantinos ; Pavlogeorgatos, Gerasimos ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
191 1-Feb-2023 Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Antibiofilm Properties of Essential Oil from Thymus capitatus Plants Organically Cultured on the Greek Island of Lemnos Maniki, Eirini ; Kostoglou, Dimitra ; Paterakis, Nikolaos ; Nikolaou, Anastasios ; Kourkoutas, Yiannis ; Papachristoforou, Alexandros ; Giaouris, Efstathios Molecules
192 28-Feb-2023 Characterization Factors to Assess Land Use Impacts on Pollinator Abundance in Life Cycle Assessment Alejandre, Elizabeth M ; Scherer, Laura ; Guinée, Jeroen B ; Aizen, Marcelo A ; Albrecht, Matthias ; Balzan, Mario V. ; Bartomeus, Ignasi ; Bevk, Danilo ; Burkle, Laura A ; Clough, Yann ; Cole, Lorna J. ; Delphia, Casey M ; Dicks, Lynn V ; Garratt, Michael P D ; Kleijn, David ; Kovács-Hostyánszki, Anikó ; Mandelik, Yael ; Paxton, Robert J ; Petanidou, Theodora ; Potts, Simon Geoffrey ; Sárospataki, Miklós ; Schulp, Catharina J E ; Stavrinides, Menelaos ; Stein, Katharina ; Stout, Jane Catherine ; Szentgyörgyi, Hajnalka ; Varnava, Androulla I. ; Woodcock, Ben A ; Van Bodegom, Peter M
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194 1-Jul-2018 Biodegradation of bilge water: Batch test under anaerobic and aerobic conditions and performance of three pilot aerobic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBRs) at different filling fractions Vyrides, Ioannis ; Drakou, Efi Maria ; Ioannou, Stavros ; Michael, Fotoula ; Gatidou, Georgia ; Stasinakis, Athanasios S. Journal of Environmental Management
195 2013 Assessing and monitoring semi-arid shrublands using object-based image analysis and multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis Hamada, Yuki ; Stow, Douglas A. ; Roberts, Dar A. ; Franklin, Janet ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
196 4-Aug-2006 Analytical solution of transient flow in a sloping soil layer with recharge Akylas, Evangelos ; Koussis, Antonis D. ; Yannacopoulos, Athanasios N. Hydrological Sciences Journal
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