Imperial College London

Organization name
Imperial College London

Αποτελέσματα για 41-60 από 218.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςJournal
411-Ιου-2023A review of solar hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors and systemsHerrando, Maria ; Wang, Kai ; Huang, Gan ; Otanicar, Todd ; Mousa, Osama Bany ; Agathokleous, Rafaela ; Ding, Yulong ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. ; Ekins-Daukes, Ned ; Taylor, Robert A. ; Markides, Christos N. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 
42Ιου-2010A review of noninvasive ultrasound image processing methods in the analysis of carotid plaque morphology for the assessment of stroke riskKyriacou, Efthyvoulos C. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S. ; Pattichis, Marios S. ; Loizou, Christos P. ; Christodoulou, Christodoulos ; Kakkos, Stavros K. ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 
43Μαΐ-2012A Reservoir-driven non-stationary hidden markov modelDemiris, Yiannis ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Pattern recognition 
44Μαΐ-2021Renormalization and mixing of the Gluino-Glue operator on the latticeCosta, Marios ; Herodotou, Herodotos ; Philippides, Phivos ; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G. European Physical Journal C 
45Ιου-2010The regulatory logic of m-xylene biodegradation by Pseudomonas putida mt-2 exposed by dynamic modelling of the principal node Ps/Pr of the TOL plasmidKoutinas, Michalis ; Lam, Ming Chi ; Kiparissides, Alexandros ; Silva-Rocha, Rafael ; Godinho, Miguel ; Livingston, Andrew G ; Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N. ; de Lorenzo, Victor ; Dos Santos, Vitor A P Martins ; Mantalaris, Athanasios A. Environmental Microbiology 
461-Μαρ-2017Reducing the efficiency-stability-cost gap of organic photovoltaics with highly efficient and stable small molecule acceptor ternary solar cellsGasparini, Nicola; McCulloch, Iain; Emmott, Christopher J.M. ; Baran, Derya; Hanifi, David A. ; Nelson, Jenny; Lockett, Sarah ; Holliday, Sarah ; Amassian, Aram ; Abdelsamie, Maged ; Ashraf, Raja Shahid ; Röhr, Jason A. ; Durrant, James R.; Brabec, Christoph J.; Salleo, Alberto; Wadsworth, Andrew ; Neophytou, Marios ; Kirchartz, Thomas Nature materials 
47Οκτ-2017Red blood cell aggregate flux in a bifurcating microchannelKaliviotis, Efstathios ; Pasias, Ioannis ; Sherwood, Joseph M. ; Balabani, Stavroula Medical Engineering and Physics 
4821-Μαΐ-2015Recommendations on pre-hospital and early hospital management of acute heart failure: A consensus paper from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, the European Society of Emergency Medicine and the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine - Short versionMebazaa, Alexandre ; Yilmaz, Mehmet Birhan ; Levy, Phillip D. ; Ponikowski, Piotr P. ; Peacock, William Frank ; Laribi, Saïd ; Ristic, Arsen D. ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Masip, Josep ; Riley, Jillian P. ; McDonagh, Theresa A. ; Mueller, Christian ; DeFilippi, Christopher ; Harjola, Veli Pekka ; Thiele, Holger ; Piepoli, Massimo F. ; Metra, Marco I. ; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro Ietro ; McMurray, J. ; Dickstein, Kenneth ; Damman, Kevin ; Seferovic, Petar M. ; Ruschitzka, Frank T. ; Leite-Moreira, A. F. ; Bellou, Abdelouahab ; Anker, Stefan Stefan ; Filippatos, Gerasimos S. European Heart Journal 
4921-Μαΐ-2015Recommendations on pre-hospital & early hospital management of acute heart failure: A consensus paper from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, the European Society of Emergency Medicine and the Society of Academic Emergency MedicineMebazaa, Alexandre ; Yilmaz, Mehmet Birhan ; Levy, Phillip D. ; Ponikowski, Piotr P. ; Peacock, William Frank ; Laribi, Saïd ; Ristic, Arsen D. ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Masip, Josep ; Riley, Jillian P. ; McDonagh, Theresa A. ; Mueller, Christian ; Defilippi, Christopher ; Harjola, Veli Pekka ; Thiele, Holger ; Piepoli, Massimo F. ; Metra, Marco I. ; Maggioni, Aldo Pietro ; McMurray, J. ; Dickstein, Kenneth ; Damman, Kevin ; Seferovic, Petar M. ; Ruschitzka, Frank T. ; Leite-Moreira, A. F. ; Bellou, Abdelouahab ; Anker, Stefan Stefan ; Filippatos, Gerasimos S. European Journal of Heart Failure 
502012Rate Dependence of the Compressive Response of Ti FoamsSiegkas, Petros ; Tagarielli, V. L. ; Petrinic, Nik ; Lefebvre, Louis-Philippe Metals 
5119-Ιου-2012A Quantum-Statistical Approach Toward Robot Learning by DemonstrationChatzis, Sotirios P. ; Korkinof, Dimitrios ; Demiris, Yiannis IEEE Transactions on Robotics 
522007Quantitative Measurement of Axial Accumulation of Red Blood Cells in Micro Channel Using Micro PTVYabusaki, Hitoshi ; Oishi, Masamichi ; Kinoshita, Haruyuki ; Oshima, Marie ; Charalambides, Alexandros G. Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 
5323-Αυγ-2016Quantifying local characteristics of velocity, aggregation and hematocrit of human erythrocytes in a microchannel flowKaliviotis, Efstathios ; Dusting, Jonathan ; Sherwood, Joseph M. ; Balabani, Stavroula Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation 
542016Quantification of local blood flow characteristics in microfluidic applicationsKaliviotis, Efstathios ; Sherwood, J.M. ; Dusting, J. ; Balabani, Stavroula Series on Biomechanics 
552006Quality evaluation of ultrasound imaging in the carotid artery based on normalization and speckle reduction filteringLoizou, Christos P. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S. ; Pantziaris, Marios ; Tyllis, Theodosis H. ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 
56Φεβ-2021Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs studyLabeau, Sonia O. ; Afonso, Elsa ; Benbenishty, Julie Sarah ; Blackwood, Bronagh ; Boulanger, Carole ; Brett, Stephen J. ; Calvino-Gunther, Silvia ; Chaboyer, Wendy ; Coyer, Fiona ; Deschepper, Mieke ; François, Guy ; Honore, Patrick M. ; Jankovic, Radmilo ; Khanna, Ashish K. ; Llaurado-Serra, Mireia ; Lin, Frances ; Rose, Louise ; Rubulotta, Francesca ; Saager, Leif ; Williams, Ged F. ; Blot, Stijn I. ; Muzha, Dritan ; Margarit Ribas, Antoni ; Lipovesty, Fernando ; Loudet, Cecilia ; Coyer, Fiona ; Eller, Philipp ; Mostafa, Nafseen ; Honoré, Patrick M. ; Telleria, Vanesa Mercado ; Smajic, Jasmina ; Nogueira, Paula Cristina ; Khalid Mahmood Khan, Nafees ; Hentchoya, Romuald ; Rose, Louise ; Soledad, Javiera ; Lin, Frances ; Cardenas, Yenny ; Reyes, Amylkar Garay ; Sustic, Alan ; Mpouzika, Meropi Intensive Care Medicine 
57Ιου-2014Preface of Smart Structures and SystemsOnoufriou, Toula ; Berberidis, Kostas ; Leung, Kin Smart Structures and Systems 
58Αυγ-2003Postgrowth nondestructive characterization of dilute-nitride VCSELs using electroreflectance spectroscopyChoulis, Stelios A. ; Hosea, Thomas Jeff Cockburn ; Ghosh, Sandip Kumar IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 
597-Ιαν-2010Post-treatment of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAMBR) saline effluent using powdered activated carbon (PAC)Stuckey, David C. ; Conteras, P. A. ; Vyrides, Ioannis Journal of Hazardous Materials 
60Μαΐ-2012A Possibilistic Clustering Approach Toward Generative Mixture ModelsChatzis, Sotirios P. ; Tsechpenakis, Gavriil Pattern Recognition