Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

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Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 141-160 of 715 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14114-Φεβ-2023Developing a Questionnaire on Knowledge, Perceptions and Application of Vascular-Aging MeasurementsTriantafyllou, Areti ; Elia, Stavria-Artemis ; Park, Chloe ; Climie, Rachel E ; Mayer, Christopher C ; Mozos, Ioana ; Pucci, Giacomo ; Weber, Thomas ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. 
21-Σεπ-2023The development of the People with Aphasia and Other Layperson Involvement (PAOLI) framework for guiding patient and public involvement (PPI) in aphasia researchCharalambous, Marina ; Kountouri, Alexia ; Schwyter, Jürg Rainer ; Annoni, Jean-Marie ; Kambanaros, Maria 
31-Νοε-2016A developmental approach to diglossia: Bilectalism on a gradient scale of lingualityGrohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Leivada, Evelina ; Rowe, Charley 
423-Σεπ-2022Developmental Language Disorder within a bi-dialectal contextTheodorou, Elena 
522-Ιου-2022Developmental language disorders in Cyprus: mapping speech and language service provision to vulnerable childrenTheodorou, Elena ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Petinou, Kakia 
61-Δεκ-2016Diagnosing bilectal children with SLI: Determination of identification accuracyTheodorou, Eleni ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. 
713-Ιου-2024The dietary inflammatory index and cardiometabolic parameters in US firefightersChristodoulou, Andria ; Christophi, Costas A. ; Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes ; Moffatt, Steven M. ; Zhao, Longgang ; Kales, Stefanos N. ; Hébert, James R. 
8Σεπ-2020Dietary patterns and their association with cardio-metabolic outcomes in US firefightersChristodoulou, Alexandros ; Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes ; Kales, Stefanos N. ; Christophi, Costas A. 
9Αυγ-2010Discharge experiences of speech-language pathologists working in Cyprus and GreeceKambanaros, Maria 
101-Φεβ-2017Discrete capacity limits and neuroanatomical correlates of visual short-term memory for objects and spatial locationsKonstantinou, Nikos ; Constantinidou, Fofi ; Kanai, Ryota 
1113-Σεπ-2017Distribution of non-persistent endocrine disruptors in two different regions of the human brainVan Der Meer, Thomas P. ; Artacho-Cordón, Francisco ; Swaab, Dick F. ; Struik, Dicky ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H. R. ; Frederiksen, Hanne ; Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V. 
127-Απρ-2022Diurnal Variation in Biomarkers of Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Their Association with Oxidative Damage in Norwegian Adults: The EuroMix StudyAbimbola, Samuel Olushola ; Xeni, Christina ; Sakhi, Amrit Kaur ; Heibati, Behzad ; Husøy, Trine ; Dirven, Hubert ; Makris, Konstantinos C. 
132013Does multilingualism confer an advantage for pragmatic abilities?Antoniou, Kyriakos ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Katsos, Napoleon 
1410-Μαΐ-2018A dual-hemispheric theta burst stimulation (TBS) approach to improve language performance in a case of chronic post-stroke non-fluent aphasiaKambanaros, Maria ; Georgiou, Anastasios M. ; Konstantinou, Nikos ; Phinikettos, Ioannis 
15Νοε-2020Duration measurement of vocants in infants with Cochlear ImplantsBinos, Paris ; Thodi, Chryssoula ; Psillas, George K. ; Vogazianos, Paris 
162021Dynamic Linguistic Interconnectedness and Variability in ToddlersPetinou, Kakia ; Taxitari, Loukia ; Phinikettos, Ioannis ; Theodorou, Eleni 
171-Φεβ-2017Dysphagia related quality of life (QoL) following total laryngectomy (TL)Georgiou, Anastasios M. ; Kambanaros, Maria 
18Νοε-2014Early language delay phenotypes and correlation with later linguistic abilitiesPetinou, Kakia ; Spanoudis, George 
1920-Νοε-2017Early language development in a bilectal context: the cypriot adaptation of the macarthur-bates CDITaxitari, Loukia ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Floros, Georgios ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. 
202-Ιαν-2016Early phonetic development in typically developing children: A longitudinal investigation from Cypriot-Greek child dataPetinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni