Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management

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Organization name
Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management
Dean’s Welcome Message Welcome to the webpages of the Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management. The Faculty currently includes two academic entities – the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, and the Department of Environmental Science and Technology. In terms of both education and research, our Faculty deals with topics that are at the heart of modern societal challenges. The agricultural and food sectors are increasingly important for providing adequate food supplies to a growing global population, while trying to avoid causing irreversible damage to human health and ecosystems. Besides its role for primary production and food security, agriculture can also be particularly beneficial for the environment by preventing the occurrence of problems such as soil erosion and land desertification. We also address a range of fields related to the protection of natural resources and the environment – air, water and soil pollution, waste management, sustainable energy use. Especially at a period of climate change, which is closely related to our living standards, these topics call for interdisciplinary approaches. Our Faculty offers education on natural and technological sciences like chemistry, physics, microbiology, toxicology and biotechnology, with a focus on their environmental and agronomical aspects. Agricultural and environmental economics and management for policy support are also important parts of our curriculum and research output. Our academic staff is heavily involved in international cooperation. Participating in research projects and organising international conferences and workshops, we try to provide intellectual stimulation to our students and keep them up-to-date with international activities in our disciplines. We have also developed close links with the private sector and NGOs in Cyprus, and several Faculty members serve as advisors to national and local authorities for the formulation of appropriate agricultural and environmental policies. It is clear that the focus of our Faculty is on very topical scientific fields with considerable employment prospects. According to national and EU-wide employment authorities, ‘green jobs’ are projected to be among the most flourishing sectors in the near future. For this purpose, our undergraduate and postgraduate education aims at offering a wide spectrum of fundamental knowledge as well as critical skills for learning and analysing complex problems. Irrespective of how outdated technologies and practical tools become over the years, the ability of critical thinking and the desire for continuous learning and improving one’s knowledge and skills are crucial for our prosperity. We hope that we successfully convey this message to both our graduates and the general public. Theodoros Zachariadis Dean of the Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

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Date Issued:  [2010 TO 2019]
Type:  MSc Thesis

Results 1-20 of 138 (Search time: 0.029 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12014«100% Α.Π.Ε.» : Τεχνικές και Οικονομικές προκλήσεις για την πλήρη υποκατάσταση των συμβατικών καυσίμων από Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας στην ηλεκτροπαραγωγή στη ΚύπροΚαραϊσκάκης, Παναγιώτης 
22016Assessment of non photochemical quenching from conformational changes in CP29Παπαδάτος, Σωτήριος Διονύσιος 
32015Characterization of microbial community of posidonia oceanica with potential biotechnological applicationsModestou, Christina 
42016Detection of food-borne viruses on ready-to-eat meat products and meat processing establishments in CyprusMarkantonis, Nikolas 
52017Evaluation of pathogenic microorganisms presence in dewatered anaerobic sludge of different treatments at acidic ph valuesΘεμιστοκλέους, Θεμιστοκλής 
6Dec-2017Evaluation of the cost – effectiveness of possible climate change mitigation policies and measures in CyprusSotiriou, Chryso 
72016Mass balance of Phosphorus and Iron at the WWTP of Moni- Limassol and Phosphorus recovery from sludgeΚωνσταντινίδης, Βίκτωρας 
8May-2019Melatonin as a Seed Priming Compound: Investigation about its effects on germination and root length when applied on Arabidopsis thaliana seedsPavlou, Jan Julian 
92015Metal bioleaching from sludge : current status and potentialAnayiotou, Elena 
10Aug-2017An overview of concentrated solar power technologies and its future prospectsPavlou, Flourentzos 
11Mar-2016Quality and safety of fresh endive; Effect of spearmint and lavender essential oils treatmentXylia, Panayiota 
122016Simultaneous Heterotrophic Nitrification and Aerobic Denitrification by Klebsiella sp. BWM5Προδρόμου, Παναγιώτα 
13May-2019Understanding the Main Drivers of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms by Developing the European Multi Lake survey platform DatasetsKonstantinou, Iosif 
142017An updated review on cylindrospermopsin: the global occurrence, detection, toxicity and degradationChrysanthou, Andreas 
152014UV/VIS φασματοσκοπική μελέτη του συστήματος λακτουπεροξείδασης /ΝΟ2/Η2Ο2/ΤYRΑντωνίου, Μαρία 
162015Αλληλεπίδραση μυοσφαιρίνης και NO2-Ιωάννου, Νεοφύτα 
172015Ανάλυση κτιριακού αποθέματος και προσδιορισμός τυπικών χαρακτηριστικών κτιρίωνΤάκη, Μιχάλης 
18May-2019Ανάλυση της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας και των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου στον τουριστικό τομέα της ΚύπρουΚαρεκλάς, Γιώργος 
19Jun-2018Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων πολυλειτουργικών επικαλύψεων από πολυφαινόλες χαρουπιού με εφαρμογές στην συσκευασία τροφίμωνΧατζηβασιλείου, Λούκας 
202016Ανάπτυξη κώδικα Matlab για την διενέργεια μακροχρόνιων ενεργειακών προβλέψεων στην ΚύπροΜαγίδου, Μαρίνα