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Organization name
Language Centre
From the first days of its operation in September 2007, the Cyprus University of Technology Language Centre offers to its students, administrative and teaching staff and to the wide public the opportunity to learn foreigner\ languages in a very friendly environment and with the use of the latest theories, methods and materials that are used in the learning and teaching of language, included that of the New Technologies. The objective of the Language Centre is to become a Language Centre of excellence, internationally recognised in the area of learning and the teaching of languages. The courses of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in the five Faculties (Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management, Management and Economics, Applied Arts and Communication, Engineering and Technology, and Health Sciences) are taught in Standard Modern Greek, one of the two official languages of the Republic of Cyprus (Country Report, Cyprus, 2004). Nevertheless, taking into consideration the European Language Policy, the objective of the Language Centre considers foreign language learning as integral and essential part of the studies of all students and is within the frames of objectives of the Council of Europe, which promote linguistic variety as well as the learning of various languages in the area of education. The aim of the Language Centre is also within the Language Policy of Cyprus (2003-2005), and it focuses on helping students satisfy the constant demand of the university, which is for its students to know at least two foreign languages. The Language Centre promotes the teaching and learning of languages that is based primarily on the needs of its users. The aim is to extend the linguistic horizon of students so they can cope with any linguistic needs they may come across in their study, in research, in international exchange programmes, in their future career as well as in their personal and social life. To achieve such an aim, the number of students does not exceed that of twenty per language class. The aim of these programmes of study is to completely satisfy the current and future needs of our society and at the same time provide the flexibility of incorporating new technological developments. Via these programmes, the Language Centre offers students the opportunity to improve and develop their linguistic abilities in at least one or two foreign languages and the possibility of appreciating the importance of learning one or more languages for purposes specific to their discipline and their future professional endeavours. The aim of the Language programmes is language competence. The enrichment of the general education, knowledge, skills and experiences of the students constitute an integral part of the language programmes, not only in the language they learn but also in areas such as intercultural communication, computer literacy and autonomous and lifelong learning.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 181-200 of 273 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1812013Mikrasiates Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of Oral History 2013Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi 
18210-Jul-2019MISSION BERLIN--A Mobile Gamified Exploration of a New Educational LandscapePardoel, Bart ; Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi ; Athanasiou, Androulla 
1832013Mobile-assisted language learning: A selected annotated bibliography of implementation studies 1994-2012Burston, Jack 
184Nov-2018Moving bodies to moving minds: a study of the use of motion-based games in special educationKosma, Panagiotis ; Ioannou, Andri ; Retalis, Symeon 
1851-Dec-2023The multidimensional role of the English for specific purposes practitioner in today’s changing societies: voices from around the globeKakoulli-Constantinou, Elis 
186Jan-2015Multilingualism in Limassol LUCIDE city reportPapadima-Sophocleous, Salomi ; Nicolaou, Anna ; Boglou, Dimitrios ; Parmaxi, Antigoni 
1872021Multimodal texts in support of linguistic and critical thinking development in English for specific purposesHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
18818-Nov-2022Multimodality in support of language learningHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
189Dec-2023The National Traditions in Pedagogy and Important Points in the National History of Education. The Process of ICT Integration in the Educational Process through the Years – Traditions and Innovations. The Case of CyprusKakoulli-Constantinou, Elis 
190Nov-2021Navigating the Various Wired and Mobile VR Systems and VR application for a more productive and immersive Learning ExperienceBoglou, Dimitrios 
1912012New English Placement Test Online (NEPTON): A BlueprintPapadima-Sophocleous, Salomi 
19226-Oct-2014Nurses and Midwives: of importance to healthKrambia-Kapardis, Maria ; Kouta, Christiana ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Vasiliou, Christina ; Ioannou, Andri ; Lambrou, George 
193Oct-2017Online intercultural exchanges through digital storytellingSevilla-Pavón, Ana ; Nicolaou, Anna 
19427-Jun-2019Online Master’s Degree in Computer Assisted Language LearningElena Papa 
19518-Nov-2018Online Master’s Degree in Computer Assisted Language Learning - Cyprus University of TechnologyPapa, Elena 
19625-Sep-2018Online Master’s Degree in Computer Assisted Language Learning by Language CentrePapa, Elena 
19720-Dec-2017Online sharing of knowledge among in-service teachers for professional development purposesKosma, Panagiotis 
1987-May-2014Online student engagement as formative assessmentKawase, Ricardo ; Parmaxi, Antigoni 
199Jun-2021Open Educational Resources for Language Education: Towards the Development of an e-ToolkitKosma, Panagiotis ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Perifanou, Maria ; Economides, Anastasios A. 
200Apr-2019Perceptions of tertiary ESP Fine Arts students towards Virtual Reality in EducationChristoforou, Maria