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Organization name
Language Centre
From the first days of its operation in September 2007, the Cyprus University of Technology Language Centre offers to its students, administrative and teaching staff and to the wide public the opportunity to learn foreigner\ languages in a very friendly environment and with the use of the latest theories, methods and materials that are used in the learning and teaching of language, included that of the New Technologies. The objective of the Language Centre is to become a Language Centre of excellence, internationally recognised in the area of learning and the teaching of languages. The courses of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in the five Faculties (Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management, Management and Economics, Applied Arts and Communication, Engineering and Technology, and Health Sciences) are taught in Standard Modern Greek, one of the two official languages of the Republic of Cyprus (Country Report, Cyprus, 2004). Nevertheless, taking into consideration the European Language Policy, the objective of the Language Centre considers foreign language learning as integral and essential part of the studies of all students and is within the frames of objectives of the Council of Europe, which promote linguistic variety as well as the learning of various languages in the area of education. The aim of the Language Centre is also within the Language Policy of Cyprus (2003-2005), and it focuses on helping students satisfy the constant demand of the university, which is for its students to know at least two foreign languages. The Language Centre promotes the teaching and learning of languages that is based primarily on the needs of its users. The aim is to extend the linguistic horizon of students so they can cope with any linguistic needs they may come across in their study, in research, in international exchange programmes, in their future career as well as in their personal and social life. To achieve such an aim, the number of students does not exceed that of twenty per language class. The aim of these programmes of study is to completely satisfy the current and future needs of our society and at the same time provide the flexibility of incorporating new technological developments. Via these programmes, the Language Centre offers students the opportunity to improve and develop their linguistic abilities in at least one or two foreign languages and the possibility of appreciating the importance of learning one or more languages for purposes specific to their discipline and their future professional endeavours. The aim of the Language programmes is language competence. The enrichment of the general education, knowledge, skills and experiences of the students constitute an integral part of the language programmes, not only in the language they learn but also in areas such as intercultural communication, computer literacy and autonomous and lifelong learning.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 241-260 of 273 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
241May-2021Teaching the Ba-construction with Augmented Reality in Online Learning EnvironmentsWang, Lu 
2421-Jan-2024Teaching the Ba-Construction with Augmented Reality in Online Learning EnvironmentsWang, Lulu ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Nicolaou, Anna 
2432015Technology disrupting learners' and teachers' practices in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: an overview of the literatureParmaxi, Antigoni ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis 
2442014Technology in Language Teaching: Perceptions and experiences of university instructorsAthanasiou, Androulla ; Nicolaou, Anna 
24519-Dec-2024Technology-mediated Task-Based Language Teaching in a Virtual Reality learning environmentChristoforou, Maria ; Thrasher, Tricia ; Ijiri, Amelia 
2462019Time to evaluate: the students’ perspective of an online MA in CALL programmePapadima-Sophocleous, Salomi ; Giannikas, Christina N. 
247Jul-2018Towards the use of social computing for social inclusion: an overview of the literatureConstantinou, Vaso ; Kosma, Panagiotis ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Ioannou, Andri ; Klironomos, Iosif ; Antona, Margherita ; Stephanidis, Constantine ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis 
2482008Training teachers in the Use of ICT and Teaching Greek as a Second Language in Cyprus: the design, trial and evaluation of a blended teacher training curriculum, part of a European Socrates, Comenius 2.1 projectPapadima-Sophocleous, Salomi 
24912-Nov-2022Transversal Competencies and Transdisciplinarity: Practicing what we preachAthanasiou, Androulla ; Burston, Jack 
250Jan-2015Twenty years of MALL project implementation: A meta-analysis of learning outcomesBurston, Jack 
2512020Twenty-Five Years of MALL Experimental Implementation Studies: What Do We Really Know About ItAthanasiou, Androulla ; Burston, Jack 
252Jul-2013Txt Reflections: Moblogging in ESP Courses at University LevelHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
253Dec-2022University students' transformation of meanings within an ESP digital contextChristoforou, Maria 
25422-Oct-2022The use of critical thinking as part of information and media literacy against fake newsHadjiconstantinou, Stavroulla 
2552020The Use of Digital Technology in ESP: Current Practices and Suggestions for ESP Teacher EducationKakoulli-Constantinou, Elis ; Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi 
2562012The use of wiki in teaching and learning Greek a second language for specific academic purposes: challenges and future perspectivesPapadima-Sophocleous, Salomi ; Parmaxi, Antigoni 
257Sep-2017Using embodied learning technology to advance motor performance of children with special educational needs and motor impairmentsKosma, Panagiotis ; Ioannou, Andri ; Retalis, Symeon 
25829-Nov-2024Using high-immersion social virtual reality environments for researching interculturalityJauregi-Ondarra, Kristi ; Meijerink, Juul ; Christoforou, Maria 
2592013Using Phenomenography to compare the variation of language teachers and learners’ attitudes towards Computer Assisted Language LearningZaphiris, Panayiotis ; Kyriacou, Stelios ; Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Stylianou, Kostas 
2602013Using social technologies in computer assisted language learning: development of a theoretical and methodological frameworkParmaxi, Antigoni