| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 141 | Aug-2014 | Welfare Implications of Car Feebates: A Simulation Analysis | Adamou, Adamos ; Clerides, Sofronis ; Zachariadis, Theodoros | The Economic Journal |
| 142 | 5-Jan-2012 | Welfare Implications of Automobile Feebates: A Simulation Analysis | Adamou, Adamos ; Clerides, Sofronis ; Zachariadis, Theodoros | |
| 143 | Dec-2020 | Weighted hypersoft configuration model | Voitalov, Ivan ; Van der Hoorn, Pim ; Kitsak, Maksim A. ; Papadopoulos, Fragkiskos ; Krioukov, Dmitri V. | Physical Review Research |
| 144 | 25-Jun-2012 | Weight- perception in male career firefighters and its association with cardiovascular risk factors | Baur, Dorothee M. ; Tsismenakis, Antonios J. ; Jahnke, Sara A. ; Kales, Stefanos N. ; Christophi, Costas A. | |
| 145 | Oct-2019 | Weight gain following treatment of hyperthyroidism-A forgotten tale | Kyriacou, Angelos ; Kyriacou, Alexis ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Syed, Akheel A. ; Perros, Petros | Clinical Obesity |
| 146 | 21-Mar-2024 | Weed Species’ Diversity and Composition as Shaped by the Interaction of Management, Site, and Soil Variables in Olive Groves of Southern Greece | Vahamidis, Petros ; Chachalis, Demosthenis ; Akrivou, Antigoni ; Karanasios, Evangelos ; Ganopoulou, Maria ; Argiri, Apostolia ; Mandoulaki, Athanasia ; Hatzigiannakis, Evangelos ; Arampatzis, Georgios ; Panagopoulos, Andreas ; Mantzouni, Irene ; Markellou, Emilia | Agronomy |
| 147 | 6-Oct-2016 | A Web-Based Psychosocial Intervention for Family Caregivers of Older People: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study in Three European Countries | Barbabella, Francesco ; Poli, Arianna ; Andréasson, Frida ; Salzmann, Benjamin ; Papa, Roberta ; Hanson, Elizabeth ; Efthymiou, Areti ; Döhner, Hanneli ; Lancioni, Cristina ; Civerchia, Patrizia ; Lamura, Giovanni | JMIR Research Protocols |
| 8 | 1-Jan-2019 | The web of false information: Rumors, fake news, hoaxes, clickbait, and various other shenanigans | Zannettou, Savvas ; Sirivianos, Michael ; Blackburn, Jeremy ; Kourtellis, Nicolas | Journal of Data and Information Quality |
| 9 | Aug-2017 | Web 2.0 in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: a research synthesis and implications for instructional design and educational practice | Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis | Interactive Learning Environments |
| 10 | 2012 | Web 2.0 and Deliberation: An Introduction | Milioni, Dimitra L. ; Triga, Vasiliki | International Journal of Electronic Governance |
| 11 | Jan-2013 | We Have the Content…Now What? The role of Structure and Interactivity in Academic Document Triage Interfaces | Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Loizides, Fernando ; Photiadis, Thomas ; Mavri, Aekaterini | Information Design Journal |
| 12 | May-2020 | Wave exciting force maximization of truncated cylinders in a linear array | Michailides, Constantine ; Loukogeorgaki, Eva ; Chatjigeorgiou, Ioannis K. | Energies |
| 13 | 2008 | The water-gas shift reaction on pt/γ-ai2O3 catalyst: operando ssitka-drifts-mass spectroscopy studies | Efstathiou, Angelos M. ; Kalamaras, Christos M. ; Olympiou, Georgios | Catalysis Today |
| 14 | 1-Oct-2019 | Water-energy-food nexus: A case study on medicinal and aromatic plants | Litskas, Vassilis D. ; Chrysargyris, Antonios ; Stavrinides, Menelaos ; Tzortzakis, Nikos G. | Journal of Cleaner Production |
| 15 | Oct-2014 | Water resources of Cyprus under changing climatic conditions: Modelling approach, validation and limitations | Cleridou, Niki ; Benas, Nikolaos ; Matsoukas, Christos ; Croke, Barry ; Vardavas, Ilias Mihail | Environmental Modelling and Software |
| 16 | 2-Apr-2016 | Water leakage detection using remote sensing, field spectroscopy and GIS in semiarid areas of Cyprus | Agapiou, Athos ; Alexakis, Dimitrios ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. | Urban Water Journal |
| 17 | May-2024 | Water Deficit Severity during the Preceding Year Determines Plant Tolerance to Subsequent Year Drought Stress Challenges: A Case Study in Damask Rose | Aalam, Fatemeh ; Rezaei Nejad, Abdolhossein ; Mousavi-Fard, Sadegh ; Raji, Mohammadreza ; Nikoloudakis, Nikolaos ; Goumenaki, Eleni ; Fanourakis, Dimitrios | Horticulturae |
| 18 | Dec-2018 | Wastewater valorization by pure bacterial cultures to extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) with high emulsifying potential and flocculation activities | Drakou, Efi Maria ; Amorim, Catarina L. ; Castro, Paula M. L. ; Panagiotou, Fostira ; Vyrides, Ioannis | Waste and Biomass Valorization |
| 19 | 2009 | Wastewater Treatment Sludge: Demand and Application Possibilities in Agricultural Practice | Marinova, Svetla ; Kathijotes, Nicholas | Journal of Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection |
| 20 | 2011 | Wastewater reuse in coastal areas – Nutrient flow evaluation | Kathijotes, Nicholas | Procedia Environmental Sciences |