| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| May-2023 | Abilities of Children with Developmental Language Disorders in Perceiving Phonological, Grammatical, and Semantic Structures | Georgiou, Georgios P. ; Theodorou, Elena |
| 20-Apr-2022 | Abilities of children with language developmental disorders in perceiving phonological, grammatical, and semantic structures | Georgiou, Georgios P. ; Theodorou, Elena |
| 2010 | Action and object naming in mono- and bilingualchildren with language impairment | Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Kambanaros, Maria |
| 20-Oct-2022 | Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessment Practices Followed in a School Setting: A Survey of Cypriot-Greek Speech and Language Pathologists | Theodorou, Elena ; Pampoulou, Eliada |
| 2013 | Can vocabulary size predict narrative abilities in children with SLI? | Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Michaelides, Michael |
| Jul-2013 | A case study on lexical and morphosyntactic skills in multilingual autism | Kambanaros, Maria ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 30-Sep-2022 | The communication and language profile of an adolescent girl following surgery for a benign frontal-parietal tumor | Theodorou, Elena ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Giannakou, Eleni ; Charalambous, Marina ; Orfanidou, Ioanna |
| 24-Oct-2022 | Comprehension of complex syntax by non-English-speaking children with developmental language disorder: A scoping review | Georgiou, Georgios P. ; Theodorou, Elena |
| 30-Jul-2022 | Correlation Between a Self-Voice Assessment and Objective-Voice Evaluation Outcomes in Speech Language Pathology Students | Kyriakou, Kyriaki ; Theodorou, Elena ; Petinou, Kakia ; Phinikettos, Ioannis |
| 28-May-2015 | A cross-linguistic study of the acquisition of clitic and pronoun production | Belletti, Adriana ; Costa, João ; Friedmann, Naama ; Gavarró, Anna ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Guasti, Maria Teresa ; Tuller, Laurice ; Lobo, Maria ; Anđelković, Darinka ; Argemí, Núria ; Avram, Larisa ; Berends, Sanne ; Brunetto, Valentina ; Delage, Hélène ; Ezeizabarrena, María-José ; Fattal, Iris ; Haman, Ewa ; Van Hout, Angeliek ; Jensen De López, Kristine ; Katsos, Napoleon ; Kologranic, Lana ; Krstić, Nadezda ; Kraljevic, Jelena Kuvac ; Miękisz, Aneta ; Nerantzini, Michaela ; Queraltó, Clara ; Radic, Zeljana ; Ruiz, Sílvia ; Sauerland, Uli ; Sevcenco, Anca ; Smoczyńska, Magdalena ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Van Der Lely, Heather ; Veenstra, Alma ; Weston, John ; Yachini, Maya ; Yatsushiro, Kazuko |
| 2019 | Cyprus | Theodorou, Eleni ; Petinou, Kakia ; Kambanaros, Maria |
| Aug-2010 | The development of object clitic placement in Cypriot Greek and the Romance connection | Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Pavlou, Natalia ; Leivada, Evelina ; Papadopoulou, Elena ; Martinez-Ferreiro, Silvia |
| Jul-2010 | Development of voice onset time in standard-Greek and Cypriot-Greek-speaking preschoolers | Okalidou, Areti ; Petinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Karasimou, Eleni |
| 23-Sep-2022 | Developmental Language Disorder within a bi-dialectal context | Theodorou, Elena |
| 22-Jun-2022 | Developmental language disorders in Cyprus: mapping speech and language service provision to vulnerable children | Theodorou, Elena ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Petinou, Kakia |
| 1-Dec-2016 | Diagnosing bilectal children with SLI: Determination of identification accuracy | Theodorou, Eleni ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 2-Jan-2016 | Early phonetic development in typically developing children: A longitudinal investigation from Cypriot-Greek child data | Petinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni |
| 2-Jan-2016 | Early phonetic profiles in Cypriot Greek toddlers | Petinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni |
| 4-Aug-2021 | Effectiveness of Aural-Oral Approach Based on Volubility of a Deaf Child with Late-Mapping Bilateral Cochlear Implants | Binos, Paris ; Theodorou, Elena ; Elriz, Thekla ; Konstantopoulos, Kostas |
| 2020 | English foreign language teachers’ awareness of childhood language impairment | Kambanaros, Maria ; Giannikas, Christina N. ; Theodorou, Elena |