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Title: The assessment of knowledge and attitudes of parents of hospitalized children about febrile convulsions: a pilot study
Authors: Giannakopoulou, Margarita 
Tamvaki, Eleni 
Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth 
Matziou, Vasiliki N. 
Galetseli, Marianthi 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Clinical Medicine
Keywords: Childhood;Febrile convulsions;Management;Paternal knowledge;Treatment
Issue Date: Mar-2011
Source: Nosileftiki, 2011, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 72- 84
Volume: 50
Issue: 1
Start page: 72
End page: 84
Journal: Nosileftiki 
Abstract: Background: Febrile convulsions (FC) are common during childhood and have a good prognosis, although they cause fear and anxiety in parents. Aim: (a) To translate the KACP questionnaire into the Greek language and to assess the reliability and validity of the Hellenic version in a population of Greek parents, and (b) to assess Greek parental beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, concerns and practices concerning FC. Method: A pilot study employing a descriptive, corelational design was conducted in two children's hospitals in Athens, from September to November 2008. Data were obtained from a sample of 132 parents of hospitalized children. Translation of the KACP questionnaire from English, back-translation and assessment of validity by an experts group were performed. Internal consistency reliability analyses (Cronbach' sa), test-retest reliability analyses (McNemar test), descriptive statistics and chi - square test, were carried out by the use of SPSS 13.0, using a significance level of a=0.05. Results: The response rate was 88% (132/150 parents). Cronbach'sa was estimated asa=0.71, and test-retest reliability was k=0.99 (McNemar test p>0.05). The mean age of the respondents was 37.77.37 years, 72.7% were female, 90.2% were from a two-parent family structure, 59.2% were high school graduates and 10.6% had previous experience with FC in their child. Greek parents, who comprised 86% of the sample, appeared to recognize the fever as a cause of convulsions and they could distinguish FC from epilepsy (73.5%). On the other hand they had the mistaken beliefs that FC could cause brain damage (90.1%), that the body temperature should be assessed frequently (84.1%) and that lumbar puncture was not an applicable investigation (45.5%). They expressed concern mainly about the outcome: brain damage (65.2%), epilepsy (54.6%), further seizure attacks (68.9%) and death (59.1%). Inappropriate practices that they reported using were to pry the convulsing child's clenched teeth apart and put something in his/her mouth (59.1%) and to restrain the child (67.4%). The family structure (p=0.011), the educational level (p=0.012) and previous experience of FC in their child (p=0.021) partly affected the parental knowledge, attitudes and practices. Conclusions: The results of this pilot study support the reliability and applicability of the KACP questionnaire in a Greek parental population. Further confirmation of its validity is required. Greek parents may need further information and training for better management of their children with FC at home.
ISSN: 11056843
Type: Article
Affiliation : P&A Kyriakou Children's Hospital 
Cyprus University of Technology 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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