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Title: Effect of coalescence models on the prediction of the separation of dispersed oil-water pipe flows
Authors: Evripidou, Nikola 
Galvanin, Federico 
Angeli, Panagiota 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Chemical Engineering
Keywords: coalescence;liquid-liquid;dispersion;separation;modelling
Issue Date: 2023
Source: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2023, vol. 52, pp. 1101-1106
Volume: 52
Start page: 1101
End page: 1106
Journal: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 
Conference: 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 
Abstract: The effect of coalescence models on the prediction of the separation of dispersed oil-water pipe flows was assessed using a one-dimensional mechanistic model. The mechanistic model predicts the formation and evolution of four characteristic layers along the pipe: a pure water layer at the bottom, a flotation/sedimentation layer, a dense-packed zone, and a pure oil layer on the top. It was shown that the film drainage coalescence model by Jeelani and Hartland (1994) that considers interfacial mobility produces good predictions at low mixture velocity, but it depends on the flowrate. The asymmetric film drainage coalescence model by Henschke et al. (2002) is independent of the mixture velocity and the dispersed-phase fraction, and produces reasonable predictions. There was small deviation between the model outputs in the presence of the four characteristic layers, but further investigation of the regions where a single dense-packed layer persists is required.
ISBN: 9780443152740
ISSN: 15707946
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-443-15274-0.50176-1
Rights: © Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Type: Article
Affiliation : University College London (UCL) 
Funding: Chevron Corporation, University College London
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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