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Title: The electronic health record in the general health system of Cyprus: A cross-sectional study
Authors: Periklis, Rompolas 
Masouras, Panicos 
Avgousti, Sotiris 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Health Sciences
Keywords: Electronic health record;Users' opinions
Issue Date: 14-Nov-2023
Source: 3rd International Conference on Nursing and Women’s Healthcare, 2023, 12-14 November, Dubai, Uae
Conference: International Conference on Nursing and Women’s Healthcare 
Abstract: Since 2019, Cyprus has introduced the EHR into its General Health System. During the period October – December 2022, a first cross-sectional study of users' opinions and attitudes was carried out using an electronic self-report questionnaire. The study involved 429 physicians. During the statistical processing of the data, the minimum value of the level of statistical significance was set at 5%. To measure scale reliability the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was studied and Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to check the validity of the scales. The good fit test of the model was done with the SRMR. The investigation of the relationship between the scales related to the use of EHR and demographic and occupational factors was carried out in two stages. Initially, bivariate analysis was performed using the Spearman index, the Point Biserial correlation index, while dispersion analysis (ANOVA) was also used. Multivariate analysis was then performed using Multiple Linear Regression. The results recorded a moderate degree of adoption of EHR functions, moderate efficiency, moderate degree of satisfaction and moderate overall evaluation of the EHR by users. Those with adequate training, technical support and familiarity with the use of EHR and ICT in general recorded higher scores, while users of older age and many years of professional experience recorded lower scores. The limitations of the study were the lack of a sample of other health professionals such as nurses, the timing of the implementation of the EHR with the covid-19 pandemic and the correlation of the results only with those of the international literature, due to the absence of Cypriot scientific data. In order to fulfill Cyprus' strategic goals on eHealth, health policy makers should proceed with improvement interventions aimed at integrating the EHR as an interoperable system. Education and support of users and equal access for all other health professionals are essential. Finally, new research must follow.
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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