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Title: Opinion: revisiting the means to select and transmit of the AAC model
Authors: Fuller, Donald R. 
Pampoulou, Eliada 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Health Sciences
Keywords: AAC model;AAC transmission processes;Means to select;Means to transmit;Terminology;Theory
Issue Date: 2022
Source: Journal of Enabling Technologies, 2022, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 28-37
Volume: 16
Issue: 1
Start page: 28
End page: 37
Journal: Journal of Enabling Technologies 
Abstract: Purpose: This paper, a theoretical article, aims to revisit the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) communication model and its transmission processes and interface as proposed by Lloyd, Quist and Windsor in 1990. More specifically, the focus of this paper is on the classifications of the SELECT (i.e. the means to select symbols) and TRANS (i.e. the means to transmit messages) components of the AAC transmission processes and interface. Design/methodology/approach: The field of AAC is evolving at a rapid rate. As the field continues to evolve in terms of its clinical, social, research and theoretical underpinnings, it is incumbent upon academics and practitioners in AAC to be cognizant of terminological and theoretical changes that may be needed to keep pace with the evolution of the field. Findings: The authors welcome feedback from academics and clinicians with the hope that a more thorough discussion will lead stakeholders to more accurate and descriptive terminology related to the means to select and transmit components of the AAC model transmission processes. Originality/value: The goal of this article was to suggest that the aided versus unaided classification continue to be used to classify the means to select but a new taxonomy be adopted for the means to transmit, thereby eliminating the use of the terms high and low technology. Terminology developed to describe TRANS should be unambiguous, include both expressive and receptive communication and be clinically relevant. In the opinion of the authors, the proposed taxonomy meets all three of these criteria.
ISSN: 23986263
DOI: 10.1108/JET-09-2021-0044
Rights: © Emerald
Type: Article
Affiliation : The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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