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Title: Performance of phase contrast angiography in quantifying valvular regurgitation: an in-vitro model
Authors: Fox, James F. 
Doyle, Mark W. 
Anayiotos, Andreas 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Αναγιωτός, Ανδρέας
Keywords: Biomechanics;Flow meters;Magnetic resonance imaging;Angiography
Issue Date: 1995
Source: ASME International Mechanical Congress and Exposition, 1995, San Francisco, United States
Abstract: The proximal flowfield is the most promising region of interest in quantifying valvular regurgitation. The proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) method has become the standard in attempting to quantify valvular regurgitation within this region. Current in-vivo techniques, including color Doppler ultrasound (CDU), quantify flow but fail to obtain directly the shape of the isovelocity contour due to instrumentation limitations. An approach to quantifying valvular regurgitation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presented here. MR phase contrast angiography (PCA) provides a wealth of three-dimensional spatial and velocity information. From the data obtained, true shapes of isovelocity surfaces emerge, eliminating the need for extrapolation. Using an in vitro model, this investigation intends to show the robustness of PCA in assessing valvular regurgitation and directly quantifying flow.
Rights: © ASME
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation: University of Alabama at Birmingham 
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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