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Title: Fast MRI flow imaging by sparse sampling and segmentation
Authors: Hershey, Bradley L. 
More, Rohan A. 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Αναγιωτός, Ανδρέας
Anayiotos, Andreas
Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics;Computer simulation;Magnetic resonance imaging
Issue Date: 2004
Source: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2004, Anaheim, United States of America
Abstract: Clinical use of cardiac synchronized Magnetic Resonance Imaging has been limited because of long unacceptable acquisition times. BRISK (Block Regional Interpolation Scheme for k-space) is a rapid MRI technique, which employs temporal sparse sampling scheme that varies the sampling rate as a function of distance from the k-space center. Using combination of conventional segmentation and BRISK approach, a new rapid phase contrast cine approach named FAST was investigated. FAST technique samples contiguous regions of k-space using a segmentation factor, just as in conventional segmentation, with the difference that the segmentation factor (SF) is varied as a function of distance from the k-space center. FAST and BRISK can be performed in nearly equally scan times. Both retained excellent axial-velocity accuracy. However secondary velocities, which were two orders of magnitude lower than the primary, suffered from comparable inaccuracies and distortion in conventional segmentation, BRISK and FAST.
ISSN: 03609960
Rights: © 2004 by ASME
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation: University of Alabama at Birmingham 
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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