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Title: An exact least trimmed squares algorithm for a range of coverage values
Authors: Hofmann, Marc H. 
Gatu, Cristian 
Kontoghiorghes, Erricos John 
Major Field of Science: Social Sciences
Keywords: Outliers;QR factorization;Regression tree algorithms;Robust estimation
Issue Date: 2010
Source: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2010, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 191-204
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Start page: 191
End page: 204
Journal: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 
Abstract: A new algorithm to solve exact least trimmed squares (LTS) regression is presented. The adding row algorithm (ARA) extends existing methods that compute the LTS estimator for a given coverage. It employs a tree-based strategy to compute a set of LTS regressors for a range of coverage values. Thus, prior knowledge of the optimal coverage is not required. New nodes in the regression tree are generated by updating the QR decomposition of the data matrix after adding one observation to the regression model. The ARA is enhanced by employing a branch and bound strategy. The branch and bound algorithm is an exhaustive algorithm that uses a cutting test to prune nonoptimal subtrees. It significantly improves over the ARA in computational performance. Observation preordering throughout the traversal of the regression tree is investigated. A computationally efficient and numerically stable calculation of the bounds using Givens rotations is designed around the QR decomposition, avoiding the need to explicitly update the triangular factor when an observation is added. This reduces the overall computational load of the preordering device by approximately half. A solution is proposed to allow preordering when the model is underdetermined. It employs pseudo-orthogonal rotations to downdate the QR decomposition. The strategies are illustrated by example. Experimental results confirm the computational efficiency of the proposed algorithms. Supplemental materials (R package and formal proofs) are available online
ISSN: 15372715
DOI: 10.1198/jcgs.2009.07091
Rights: © American Statistical Association
Type: Article
Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology 
Affiliation : Université de Neuchâtel 
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi 
University of Cyprus 
University of London 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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