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Title: X-ray photoemission spectroscopy study of vertical phase separation in F8BT:PDI/ITO films for photovoltaic applications
Authors: Brambilla, Alberto 
Calloni, Alberto 
Aluicio-Sardui, E. 
Berti, Giulia 
Kan, Zhipeng 
Beaupré, Serge 
Leclerc, Mario 
Butt, Hans Jürgen 
Floudas, George A. 
Keivanidis, Panagiotis E. 
Duò, L. 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Information Engineering
Keywords: Depth profiling;Organic photovoltaics;Perylene diimide;Semiconducting polymers;X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
Source: Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII, United States, 17-20 August 2014
Conference: Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials 
Abstract: We present a depth-resolved X-ray photoemission spectroscopy study of the Poly(9,9’-dioctylfluorene-cobenzothiadiazole): Perylene tetracarboxylic diimide blend (briefly, F8BT:PDI), employed for the realization of the light harvesting layer in organic photovoltaic devices. We address the problem of the vertical distribution of PDI molecules in the blend, relevant for the optimization of the photo-generated charge collection in such devices. The depth resolution is obtained by sputtering the organic layer with Ar+ ions. A thorough investigation of the effects of different sputtering treatments on the F8BT:PDI film surface is presented. Changes in the stoichiometry of the organic layer, as well as the cleavage of molecular bonds are detected, even after mild sputtering. In particular, we report about the formation of a carbon-rich surface layer. Finally, a method is proposed for the calculation of the PDI concentration, which relies on the detection of specific chemical markers and is robust against sputter-induced artifacts. As a case study, we evaluated the PDI concentration in a 10 nm thick F8BT:PDI layer spin coated on indium tin oxide.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.2063929
Rights: © SPIE
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : Politecnico di Milano 
Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia 
Universite Laval 
Max Planck Institute 
University of Ioannina 
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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