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Title: Elaborating latent and apparent knowledge configurations in Hellenistic-and Roman landscape of Cyprus
Authors: Lysandrou, Vasiliki 
Agapiou, Athos 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Civil Engineering
Keywords: Least Cost Path Analysis;Digital Elevation Models;Geographical Information System;Spatial analysis
Issue Date: Dec-2016
Source: 2nd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 2016, Athens, Greece, 20-21 December
Project: ATHENA. Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage 
Abstract: The current paper presents the initial layout and first results of an on-going study, which aims to achieve a holistic approach of the ancient living/cultural landscape of Cyprus, based on the known Hellenistic and Roman network. From an archaeological point of view, Hellenistic but mainly Roman network provides more evidence primarily due to better preserved data. Nielsen's study based in field wrork, textual studies and contextual approach is considered until today the most reliable source for this network. The first case study selected is a hilly area in The Troodos Mountain region. The main methodological tools employed in order to further exploit the known roman network of the island in the selected area are the friction surface estimation, and the Least Cost Path Analysis (LCP) through Digital Elevation Models (DEM) available from remote sensing and aerial datasets integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Thereupon, spatial analysis was carried out within the GIS providing a better insight for landscape decoding and usage. Additional analysis was accomplished concerning the interpretation of the LCP results from recently acquired high resolution defined roman network. Different multispectral WorldViewr-2 images and the already enhancement techniques (such as pan-sharpening of the multi-spectral bands; edge detection etc.) were applied to the remote sensing datasets in order to improve the interpretation of the overall results. Related future work foresees the calibration of the LCP analysis, which will be elaborated based on additional archaeological evidence, by adding on the known/previous network apart from the necropolis (a study concluded for data up to 20112) a combination of environmental parameters from one side and settlement locations on the other, including amongst others, features such as habitation, workshops, commercial routes, ports. A GIS is foreseen to integrate all possible data providing thus a complete landscape dataset which will facilitate the "reading" and interpretation of ancient landscape.
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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