Organization Unit Statistics: Faculty of Engineering and Technology

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 169309
AS - Asia, other 69984
NA - North America 47148
AF - Africa 1348
SA - South America 154
OC - Oceania 44
Unknown 1231646
Total 1519633
Country #
FR - France 83706
US - United States of America 46348
GB - United Kingdom 30993
DE - Germany 24267
CN - China 22364
CY - Cyprus 19924
KR - Korea 12612
FI - Finland 11238
UA - Ukraine 6962
SG - Singapore 5216
other - Other Country 1256003
Total 1519633
City #
Southend 28248
Nicosia 7673
Seoul 6019
Busan 4834
Ashburn 4368
Limassol 4022
Vienna 3486
Mountain View 3132
Beijing 2359
Woodbridge 2024
other 1448375
Total 1514540
Most viewed peoples #
ID: 13 - Choulis, Stelios A. 752832
Total 752832

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 0045197994 76636208 26384
2020 663910305 1315571271442814319 148861211433419472 44239948 120157
2021 555114022 114923621137287143 406626059505539 132937464 89474
2022 19784946 3971174148099756 7971110772052010398 732813347 97842
2023 146306732 8607183123983634 310324811031715374 15467172575 257149
2024 276975236638 14828582022598427482 2424822980319640 00 802758
Ever 1519633