Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Apr-2014Integrating GIS and genetic algorithms for automating land partitioningDemetriou, Demetris ; See, Linda ; Stillwell, John 
21-Jan-2014Expert Systems for Planning and Spatial Decision SupportDemetriou, Demetris ; See, Linda ; Stillwell, John 
31-Dec-2013A spatial genetic algorithm for automating land partitioningDemetriou, Demetris ; See, Linda ; Stillwell, John 
41-Dec-2013A parcel shape index for use in land consolidation planningDemetriou, Demetris ; See, Linda ; Stillwell, John 
516-Sep-2013A GIS-based shape index for land parcelsDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
62-Jul-2013LACONISS: A planning support system for land consolidationDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
71-May-2013A new methodology for measuring land fragmentationDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
81-Dec-2012A spatial multi-criteria model for the evaluation of land redistribution plansDemetriou, Demetris ; See, Linda ; Stillwell, John 
91-Jan-2012Land consolidation in Cyprus: Why is an Integrated Planning and Decision Support System required?Demetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
101-Jan-2012An integrated planning and decision support system (IPDSS) for land consolidation: Theoretical framework and application of the land-redistribution modulesDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
11Oct-2011The development and evaluation of a new model for measuring land fragmentationDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
1218-Apr-2011LandSpaCES: A spatial expert system for land consolidationDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
132011A multi-attribute decision-making module for the evaluation of alternative land consolidation plansDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda 
142010Land spa CES: A design module for land consolidation: Method and applicationDemetriou, Demetris ; Stillwell, John ; See, Linda