
Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
11-Jan-2024True knowledge vs empowering knowledge: conceptualizing a theory of mindfulness and knowledge transfer (TMKT)Issac, Abraham Cyril ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Christofi, Michael Journal of Managerial Psychology 
21-Jan-2024How small firms build resilience to ward off crises: a paradox perspectiveChaudhary, Sanjay ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Meenakshi, N. ; Christofi, Michael Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 
31-Jan-2023Born global: antecedents and consequences of innovation capabilitiesMalodia, Suresh ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Alshibani, Safiya Mukhtar ; Christofi, Michael Asia Pacific Journal of Management 
41-Jan-2023Owner-manager emotions and strategic responses of small family businesses to the COVID-19 pandemicChristofi, Michael ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Mahto, Raj V. ; Tarba, Shlomo ; Dhir, Amandeep