
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
128-Aug-2020Influence of microwave assisted freezing parameters on ice crystal growthGustinelli, Graziele ; Andreu-Cabedo, Patricia ; Lopez-Quiroga, Estefania ; Xanthakis, Epameinondas 
27-Nov-2018Food structuring through crystallisation: A modelling approachLopez-Quiroga, Estefania ; Andreu-Cabedo, Patricia ; Fryer, Peter J. ; Ahrne, Lilia ; Xanthakis, Epameinondas 
3Nov-2016Model-based study of water crystallisation in food systemsLopez-Quiroga, Estefania ; Mohd Salleh, F.S. ; Fryer, Peter J. ; Bakalis, Serafim ; Xanthakis, Epameinondas