Rezaei Jegarluei, Mohammad (rp21798)


Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Jun-2023Size/location estimation for loss of generation events in power systems with high penetration of renewablesSánchez Cortés, Jesús ; Rezaei Jegarluei, Mohammad ; Aristidou, Petros ; Li, Kang ; Azizi, Sadegh Electric Power Systems Research 
21-Jan-2023Wide-Area Backup Protection Using Sparse Synchronized/Unsynchronized PMU MeasurementsRezaei Jegarluei, Mohammad ; Aristidou, Petros ; Fernandes, W. ; Azizi, S. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 
3Jan-2023Wide-Area backup protection against asymmetrical faults in the presence of renewable energy sourcesRezaei Jegarluei, Mohammad ; Aristidou, Petros ; Azizi, Sadegh International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems