
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Mar-2023Three-Pond Model with Fuzzy Inference System-Based Water Level Regulation Scheme for Run-of-River Hydropower PlantSaeed, Ahmad ; Shahzad, Ebrahim ; Khan, Adnan Umar ; Waseem, Athar ; Iqbal, Muhammad ; Ullah, Kaleem ; Aslam, Sheraz 
21-Sep-2021Automatic generation control of multi-source interconnected power system using FOI-TD controllerDaraz, Amil ; Malik, Suheel Abdullah ; Waseem, Athar ; Azar, Ahmad Taher ; Haq, Ihsan Ul ; Ullah, Zahid ; Aslam, Sheraz